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Critical Hits - Explosion & Shrapnel Damage
he does it himself, using one hand and his teeth. Otherwise
he'll fall unconscious from loss of blood when any of
those characteristics reaches zero. The wound will clot
before he expires, however.
A jagged piece of shrapnel grazes your target's hand,
forcing him to pass a Challenging (-10%) WS test or drop
anything held in that hand.
Small fragments of shrapnel pepper your target's upper
arm and shoulder. None of the fragments penetrate deeper
than the skin, but give him a penalty of -10% to WP until
the end of his next turn.
A blast of fragments rips the flesh from your target's
forearm and fractures one of the long bones, stunning him
for d10 turns with pain and shock at such a ghastly sight.
Only a Very Hard (-30%) magical healing spell test will
save the arm, otherwise requiring amputation.
A large shard of shrapnel lodges in the flesh of your
target's forearm, causing him to miss one attack or free
parry on his next turn as he waves his arm frantically to
dislodge the hot piece of metal
A piece of shrapnel tears through the shoulder, ricocheting
from bone into the chest and lacerating the large bundle of
nerves supplying the arm. The arm will be permanently
paralysed and useless. Your target will have to pass an
immediate Hard (-20%) T test or fall unconscious from
A piece of shrapnel nicks your target's wrist, cutting to the
bone. No tendons or large blood vessels are damaged but
your target drops whatever he is holding in that hand and
suffers a penalty of -20% to his WS until the end of his
next turn.
A large chunk of shrapnel smashes through the collarbone
and upper ribs, bouncing against the back of the shoulder-
blade before severing the large artery branching off from
the aorta to the arm. A pumping spray of blood rises up
from the wound in your target's shoulder near the neck,
sending him into unconsciousness to die inevitably in a
spreading pool of blood within d10/2 turns.
Shards of hot metal slash into your target's biceps muscle,
tearing the flesh. He suffers a penalty of -20% to WS and
-2 to SB for any attacks or parries made with that arm for
the duration of the battle. Until the pieces of shrapnel are
removed from the arm with a successful Heal test a
penalty of -10% and -1, respectively, will remain.
A burst of shrapnel practically tears the target’s arm from
its socket. Blood gushes out in huge spurts. Massive shock
and loss of blood causes instant unconsciousness and a
mercifully quick death within two turns.
Shrapnel tears away d10/2 fingers. Effects are as for
Cutting Damage to Arm #10, except that only fingers are
lost regardless of the result, never the entire hand.
Shrapnel deeply embeds itself into your target's upper arm,
one large fragment lodging in the shoulder muscle next to
the bone near the shoulder joint. Until removed it will
cause a penalty of -30% to WS and -2 to SB for any
attacks or parries made with that arm. Removal will
require a successful Heal test with the Surgery Talent. A
Heal test without that Talent will count as Hard (-20%).
Failure will leave the fragment in the arm, which will
eventually heal after d10/2 weeks, embedding the
fragment in fibrous tissue, but due to the resulting stiffness
a penalty of -15% and -1, respectively, will remain.
Shrapnel grazes your target’s side, ripping his clothes,
making him flinch and causing a penalty of –10% to his
WS until the end of his next turn.
A jagged piece of shrapnel slices a furrow along your
target’s lower ribs, soaking his clothes with blood and
causing a penalty of –20% to his WS until the end of his
next turn.
A hot sliver of metal lodges in your target’s flank. He
yelps and beats furiously at the offending piece of
shrapnel, trying to dislodge it, losing one attack or free
parry on his next turn.
A large fragment rips through the inside of your target's
elbow, severing blood vessels and damaging tendons. The
target is stunned until the end of his next round and must
then pass a Hard (-20%) WP test or drop everything to
clap his other hand around the spurting wound. If he fails
he may attempt further tests on subsequent turns to let go.
Otherwise he'll clench his arm tightly to close the wound
and continue to fight, unable to use that arm and suffering
a penalty of -10% to his WS due to being unbalanced by
the clenched arm held to his side. The arm will need to be
tightly bandaged, requiring three full turns, to stop the
bleeding. The arm will be useless until his W characteristic
is fully recovered. Some stiffness will remain, causing a
penalty of –10% to any WS tests made with that arm,
unless magically healed. Alternatively, the magical healing
can be replaced with a successful Heal test with the
Surgery Talent, halving the penalty.
A big piece of metal clips your target’s shoulder, knocking
him to the ground but otherwise leaving him unharmed.
A chunk of shrapnel slams into your target’s chest and
breaks a rib. He must make a Hard (-20%) T test or count
as stunned until the end of his next turn as he gasps for
breath. For the rest of this battle he will suffer a penalty of
–5% to any parries due to the pain from the damaged chest
muscles connecting to his shoulder and upper arm.
A small fragment or pellet pierces your target’s right side
just below the ribs, nicking the liver and causing internal
bleeding. He must pass a Hard (-20%) T test or be stunned
for d10/2 turns. In addition, after the battle, he’ll develop a
tenderness of the abdomen, which soon becomes rigidly
hard and painfully tender as your target develops
peritonitis, a serious inflammation of the membranes
covering the inside of the abdomen, forcing him to stay
bedridden and helpless with pain for d10 days, at the end
having to pass a T test or die from infection as bacteria
festers in the clotted blood in his abdomen. A successful
Shallyan Cure Disease spell will save him from the
Fragments smash into your target's shoulder, fracturing the
collarbone and tearing up some chest muscles. Your target
will be stunned for d10/2 turns and suffer a penalty of
-20% to both WS and S for any tests or blows made with
that arm until the fracture has healed in d10/2 weeks.
A large piece of shrapnel severs the top end of your
target's biceps from the shoulder, leaving the muscle
flopping like a big firm lump inside the skin of the arm
near his elbow. Unless the muscle is successfully stitched
back together within d10 days, requiring either magical
healing or a successful Challenging (-10%) Heal test with
the Surgery Talent plus four weeks of rest, he’ll suffer a
permanent penalty of –20% to WS and S for any tasks
performed with that arm in the future due to not being able
to flex the arm well.
A jagged fragment sinks deep into your target’s shoulder
beneath the collarbone, knocking him to the ground,
stunning him until the end of his next turn and causing a
penalty of –20% to his WS for another d10/2 turns. Unless
the fragment is removed or a successful Shallyan Cure
Disease spell is provided he’ll develop an infection due to
pieces of his own clothing dragged deeply into the wound
and festering inside the shoulder, making him delirious
and helpless after d10/2 days, bringing death within
another d10 days. Unfortunately, the fragment is well
lodged deep underneath the collarbone near the top of the
lung, so removal requires a successful Heal test with the
Surgery Talent. Failure will mean the fragment remains
until a new test can be attempted the next day, but due to
Shrapnel rips through your target's upper arm, nicking a
large artery. The spurts of blood cause a cumulative
penalty of -5% to your target's WS, BS, Ag and S each
turn until it has been tightly bandaged, requiring two full
turns. A successful Hard (-20%) Ag test is also required if
Critical Hits - Explosion & Shrapnel Damage
further contamination of the wound, each failure reduces
the time until death from infection by one day.
Shrapnel lacerates your target’s brow and scalp, causing
blood to flow into his eyes, as per Cutting Damage to
Head #4.
Shrapnel slice into your target’s groin, stunning him for
d10 turns (d10/2 if female). Afterward, the pain will cause
a penalty of –10% to all tests for the remainder of the
battle. In addition there is a 50% chance he will be
rendered permanently sterile from the injury (10% if
A jagged piece of shrapnel tears a furrow along your
target’s jaw, exposing white bone and teeth. He is stunned
until he can pass a WP test, starting to roll on the turn after
his next. The scarring will be unattractive but will not
reduce his Fel by any significant margin, the hole closing
Pellets and pieces of shrapnel tear through your target’s
belly, damaging the small intestine and spilling faecal
matter into the abdominal cavity. He crumples to his
knees, hands pressed against his wound, helpless for d10
turns, subsequently suffering a penalty of –20% to all tests
due to the awful pain. In addition, he must make a Very
Hard (-30%) T test or die from infection in d10 days
(becoming delirious and helpless within one day) unless
successful magical healing, the Shallyan Cure Disease
spell or a Very Hard (-30%) Heal test with the Surgery
Talent is made within half that time. The latter involves a
very risky surgical procedure, digging deep into the
abdomen, stitching up the holes and cleaning out any foul
substances visible.
Sharp shards slice away a piece of your target’s nose and
upper lip. He is stunned as per #6 above, but will also have
his Fel permanently reduced by –15% due to the hideous
facial scars. However, he’ll gain a +10% bonus to
Intimidation tests.
A large piece of metal tears into your target’s neck, barely
missing any large blood vessel but slamming forcefully
into the spine of his neck, knocking a piece of vertebra
into the spinal cord and causing a very brief paralysis of
his entire body. Your target falls to the ground like a limp
sack with a very surprised look on his still fully
functioning face, helpless until the end of his next turn.
He’ll continue to lie there helpless until he passes a
Routine (+10%) T test and can start to get up. The piece of
metal is easily visible through the gaping wound on the
neck and can easily be picked out and saved as a trophy if
he survives the battle.
Shrapnel punctures your target’s lung, making it rapidly
collapse, causing a cumulative penalty of –5% to his WS,
BS, Ag and S each turn. He’ll fall unconscious when any
of those characteristics reaches zero, dying within another
2d10 turns unless magical healing is provided.
A blast of shrapnel glances off your target’s head, lightly
concussing him and removing a palm-sized flap of his
scalp, leaving it hanging by a shred. He is stunned for d10
turns, suffering a penalty of –10% to all tests for the
remainder of the battle, due to dizziness. He will also have
a large bald spot once the skin grows back over the
wound, reducing his Fel by 1d10.
A blast of shrapnel tears large chunks of flesh from your
target’s chest, exposing ribs and muscle tissue. He’ll suffer
a penalty of –20% to all tests due to pain and breathing
difficulties until the injury has healed in four weeks. In
addition, afterward he’ll have a permanent reduction of –
15% to his S due to major injury to the chest muscles
connecting to his shoulders and upper arms.
A piece of shrapnel pierces one eye, with results as for
Piercing Damage to Head #11.
A blast of shrapnel rips into your target’s flank, tearing
away muscle and flesh, some of the fragments piercing
one kidney. He is stunned for d10 turns, staring at the huge
hole in his body, then faints dead away. Internal and
external bleeding will empty the poor guy out within 2d10
turns unless magical healing is provided, counting as a
Hard (-20%) spell test.
A blast of shrapnel lacerates one whole side of your
target’s face, leaving him shrieking and helpless for d10
turns, rolling on the ground with both hands clasped to his
face. Afterward he’ll suffer a penalty of –20% to all tests
for the remainder of the battle. If he survives, he’ll have
his Fel reduced permanently by –20%, due to massive
scarring such as large fibrous masses covering the cheek,
one eye unable to close properly, missing lips, etc. Consult
any episode of “Jonah Hex” for inspiration, dear GM!
Multiple pieces of shrapnel rips into your opponent’s
chest, several of them penetrating into both lungs. The
results will be as for #10 above, only with a penalty of –
15% each turn, and death will occur after d10 turns.
A piece of the target’s skull flips away, carved out by a
piece of shrapnel, leaving the brain visible through the
hole. Your target must pass a Challenging (-10%) T test or
be knocked unconscious. After the battle he must make a
Hard (-20%) T test or suffer a lethal infection, killing him
in d10/2 days unless saved by a successful Shallyan Cure
Disease spell. Should he survive, the skin will grow back
over the hole but he will have a funny depression with a
soft and sort of squishy centre on his head for the rest of
his life. If he can find a willing surgeon he might have a
metal plate put there later.
A blast of shrapnel rips into your target’s abdomen,
practically disembowelling him and spilling red ruin at his
feet. He is helpless to do anything but vainly try to gather
up his spilled intestines and stuff then back into his ruined
belly, before slumping over and dying within d10 turns.
A burst of shrapnel blasts open your target’s ribcage,
ripping his heart and lungs to pieces, killing him instantly
in an explosion of gore.
A jagged piece of shrapnel gashes your target’s cheek. He
suffers a penalty of –10% to his WS until the end of his
next turn.
Shrapnel tears into your target’s throat, damaging the
windpipe and nicking a carotid artery. The target falls to
the ground, gurgling and spitting blood, hands clasped to
his throat. He counts as helpless and will die in 2d10 turns
unless magical healing is provided. If he survives, his
voice will be distorted, weak and hoarse for the rest of his
life, reducing his Fel by –10% in any situation where clear
speech is important.
Small fragments pepper your target’s face but miss his
eyes completely. He’ll suffer a penalty of –20% to his WS
until the end of his next turn. Unless someone spends
several turns removing tiny fragments from under the skin
of his face, they’ll become stuck there, small black dots
marring his face like the gunpowder flecks of a
professional gunner who might mistake the poor fellow for
a colleague.
A blast of shrapnel tears away most of your unlucky
target’s face, knocking him helpless to the ground to die,
gurgling and moaning, in d10 turns, leaving a distinctly
un-pretty corpse.
A chunk of your target’s ear is removed by a piece of
shrapnel, making him lose one attack or free parry on his
next turn as he clasps one hand to the wound.
A large piece of shrapnel carries away the top of your
target’s head. He is dead almost before hitting the ground,
and most definitely when he does, as most of his brain
sloshes out of his brainpan.
A piece of shrapnel barely misses your target’s eye, slicing
open his cheek just underneath the lower eyelid. He is
stunned until the end of his next turn.
Critical Hits - Explosion & Shrapnel Damage
reducing M to 1 and causing all Dodge Blow tests to count
as Very Hard (-30%), although he can use crutches as per
Bullet Damage to Leg #10.
Shrapnel or pellets graze your target’s foot, causing a
penalty of –10% to his WS until the end of his next turn.
Fragments pierce your target’s calf, causing any Dodge
Blow tests to count as Challenging (-10%) for the rest of
the battle.
A jagged piece of metal lays open your target’s inner
thigh, severing the femoral artery. The huge spurts of
bright, red blood will cause a cumulative penalty of –10%
to WS, BS, Ag and S each turn, the target falling
unconscious when any of those characteristics reaches
zero. Unless magically healed or rapidly aided by a
pressure bandage, requiring a Very Hard (-30%) Heal test
and two full turns, death will occur within another d10
Chunks of shrapnel strike your target’s thigh, bruising but
not penetrating, forcing him to pass a Challenging (-10%)
Ag test or be knocked to the ground.
A piece of shrapnel painfully lodges in your target’s
kneecap. The target is stunned until the end of his next
turn and must pass a Challenging (-10%) WP test or drop
his weapon to clasp his knee.
A blast of shrapnel blows the leg off at the knee, leaving it
hanging by a shred. Your target falls to the ground,
helpless and with blood spurting from the stump. Death
occurs from loss of blood within d10 turns unless magical
healing or a tourniquet, requiring two full turns and
someone else’s help, is provided, neither of which will
save the leg.
Pieces of shrapnel tear several long, shallow furrows along
your target’s hip. Distracted by the pain and forced to
guard his injured side, your target is at –10% to all tests
for d10 turns.
A pellet lodges inside your target’s knee, forcing him to
make a Hard (-20%) Ag test or fall down. He’ll suffer a
penalty of –2 to his M and –20% to all Dodge Blow tests
until it is removed, either by magical healing or a
successful Hard (-20%) Heal test with the Surgery Talent.
If the latter is used, the target must pass a Challenging
(-10%) T test or suffer an infection that will force
amputation unless a successful Shallyan Cure Disease
spell is performed. If the infection goes untreated and the
leg remains attached, gangrene and sepsis will occur
within d10/2 days, causing death within another TB days.
A blast of shrapnel nearly tears the leg out of its socket,
leaving a gaping hole with the thighbone and spurting
arteries clearly visible. Your target falls immediately
unconscious from shock, dying inevitably in d10/2 turns.
A sharp fragment lacerates your target’s inner thigh near
the groin, stunning him for d10/2 turns. If male, he must
also pass an Average T test or be emasculated for the rest
of his life.
A blast of shrapnel tears away chunks of flesh from your
target’s calf, causing gaping wounds and fracturing the
fibula, the outer of the two long bones in the lower leg,
forcing him to pass a Hard (-20%) Ag test or fall to the
ground. Your target’s M will be reduced to 1 as he hobbles
along, counting any Dodge Blow tests as Very Hard
(-30%) until the end of the battle. A combination of
infection, severed blood vessels and just plain, massive
loss of tissue means the leg will never heal properly,
giving a permanent penalty of –2 to M and –20% to any
Dodge Blow tests.
Shrapnel shreds your target’s knee, utterly destroying the
kneecap and penetrating into the joint, shredding bone and
ligaments as it goes along. He falls to the ground,
screaming and stunned for d10 turns. Unless magical
healing is provided within d10 days, the leg will have to
be amputated. Otherwise it’ll still be stiff and unbending,
causing permanent penalties as per #8 above.
A large piece of shrapnel pierces your target’s thigh,
tearing out of the back of the leg in a spray of blood,
leaving a huge flap of muscle gruesomely flapping. The
blast knocks him to the ground, unable to get up. Loss of
blood will cause a cumulative –5% to WS, BS, Ag and S
each turn, the target falling unconscious when any of those
characteristics reaches zero. Unless the leg is tightly
bandaged, requiring someone else’s help and three full
turns, death will occur within another 2d10 turns.
Fragments tear into the hip joint, causing nerve damage
that leaves the whole leg limp and useless, totally
paralysed. Your target falls to the ground, stunned for d10
turns and unable to get up. Two crutches will be necessary
to get around properly in the future, unless he wants to hop
around on one leg.
An utterly hideous storm of fragments tears across your
target’s upper thigh near the hip joint, ripping apart his
genitals and laying the thigh open to the bone. The target
is helpless with pain and shock for d10 turns, gaining one
extra IP as a result of the view of his mangled leg and
groin, should he survive. Loss of blood will mean he loses
unconsciousness after an additional d10 turns, and will
suffer a penalty of –30% to all tests until he does. Only
very limited function will remain to the leg afterward,
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