Aquilifer, WHITE RESISTANCE MANUAL v.2.4.pdf

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V - 2.4
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The White Resistance Manual is dedicated to all of our fallen
heroes. May their courage and honor inspire us and burn like
like a torch now, in our darkest hour.
Table of Contents
The Revolutionary Movement
Leaderless Resistance
Control Of Information
Goals Of Our Struggle
The Resistance Arsenal
.22 Rimfire Weapons
Non-Firearm Systems
Weapons Caching
Improvised Firearms
Improvised Weapons
Modified Ammunition
Improvised Explosives
Improvised Initiators + Delay Mechanisms
Improvised Explosive Devices
Improvised Incendiaries
Booby Traps + Mines
Selective Assassination
Threats, Vandalism + Harassment
Acquiring Funds
Police Investigations
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As we have witnessed the dawn of a the new millenium so too
have we witnessed the birth of a new era of Leaderless Resistance
in the struggle for White survival. No longer do we look to politicians
and law-makers for a solution, they have been bought, their lips
are sealed with green paper; they have grown rich and powerful
through sucking the life-blood of the crumbling ruin that
Western Civilization has become. However their power has
come at a price; greed, corruption and sloth are the adornments
of their wealth. This leaves western society in a position ripe for
upheaval and revolution. We will cast off our wishful belief in
democratic salvation, our votes will now be cast with bullets and
bombs. No longer will the yoke of race-denying, religious
systems restrain us. As in the past we must rekindle a faith not in
false, alien gods but in ourselves and our ability to struggle and
overcome without prostrations before any Kosher world-deity.
No longer will we allow the Jews to live like parasites upon the
body of our race. No longer will we tolerate any Jewish
influence in our political system, our legal system or our mass-
media. No longer will our children be taught the suicidal and
baseless dogma of egalitarianism and racial equality. No longer
will we allow dysgenic breeding to damage the health of our
race. No longer will we tolerate any non-White colonizers living
and breeding among us. In this new era we fight for nothing less
than the absolute physical separation of the White race from all
Jews and non-Whites. Along with this we will purge from our
midst the traitorous and degenerate elements of our race. We
demand swift and brutal justice for those who assisted in, or
profited from, the murder of our Race and the colonization of
our lands by non-Whites. May their time be short upon the earth.
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