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Playing Piano
Second Edition
by Brad Hill
A Pearson Education Company
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Copyright © 2002 by Brad Hill
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formation, address Alpha Books, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290.
THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO and Design are registered trademarks of Pearson Education,
International Standard Book Number: 0-02-864155-8
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2001092310.
04 03 02 87654321
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Contents at a Glance
Part 1: Meeting Your Instrument
1Why Play the Piano?
Uniqueness and versatility of the piano—playing as
creative outlet—much of world’s most beautiful music
is for piano—building blocks of music on piano.
2 Hammers and Strings
Development of piano from earlier keyboard instruments—
basic look at how pianos work, defining keys, strings,
dampers, pedals, soundboard.
3 The Keyboard in Black and White
White and black keys—octaves—keyboard range—
scales defined.
4 Sitting on the Bench
Benches vs. chairs—proper posture—hand and arm positions.
Part 2: Give Yourself a Hand
5 Learning the Right-Hand Notes
Finding middle C—learning all notes of the basic right-
hand scale.
6 Sharps, Flats, and Fingerings
Accidentals—fingerings and their notation.
7Whole Notes and Their Offspring
Whole notes and how they’re notated—same for half,
quarter, eighth, and dotted notes.
8 Bars, Time Signatures, and Rests
Whole notes and how they’re notated—same for half,
quarter, eighth, and dotted notes.
9 Unlocking Keys and Scales
Building scales with half and whole steps—how keys and
scales work together—understanding major and minor
scales—just enough about modes.
Part 3: Give Yourself Another Hand
10 Learning the Left-Hand Notes
Finding middle C with the left hand—learning the basic
left-hand scale.
11 Putting One and One Together
Basics of two-handed playing—exercises that help
with coordination.
12 Basics of Accompaniment
Describing several types of left-hand accompaniment—
the left hand in different styles of music—learning easy
versions of basic accompaniment styles.
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