Marcello (B) - Cassandra - Wessel & Mihajlovic.txt

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Benedetto MARCELLO: Cassandra, cantata per alto solo

Kai Wessel, alto, bass
Egon Mihajlovic, harpsichord

rec: 13 Nov 2004, Herne (Ger), Kreuzkirche
[Tage alter Musik Herne 2004]

N.B. This cantata requires a range of about three-and-a-half octave; therefore it can only be sung by a bass with a very good falsetto register or, as in this case, by a male alto who is able to sing properly in his bass register.

(01)	[Introduction: 2 movements from a sonata for harpsichord]
(02)	Odi, o Troia, Cassandra!
(03)	Voi mordete la polve
(04)	Ah! spettacolo mesto
(05)	Altri pianti e lamenti
(06)	Non si giganteggio Orione stellato
(07)	Alla corrente del Xanto sbalza
(08)	Ei cade sulla polve

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