Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku Capture Guide.docx

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Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku Capture Guide


By Mastress Alita


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sites without permission! Also do not

direct link to this guide!*






Cyc Rose's "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku" Play System:


Ameno Shouten's "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku" Capture Guide:


Half Adder's "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku" Capture Guide:


Succession of Visitor's "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku" Capture Guide:







IMPORTANT! Before using this guide, please make sure you have updated your game

to version 1.10 with the correction patch! When the patch is applied correctly, it

will say "Version 1.10" in the title bar of the game window. This guide may not be

accurate if you have not patched the game, because the patch corrects some issues

involving scenes in the game.


"Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku" is split into two types of routes: the Love Route, and

the Humiliation Route. This guide is split into the two routes, listing the character

endings on each. To understand the guide, one must understand briefly about the play

style of "Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku".


On each day, you select characters to visit each other, by dragging a character's card

and placing it on top of another character. You are given 10 points that you may use in

a turn, and these points are used up depending on which characters visit each other. For

example, at the start of the game it takes 7 points when you move Kaname on top of

Hougetsu's card, but it takes 3 points to move Hougetsu's card on top of Kaname. When a

card is placed on top of another, it takes a point from the character. So if Kaname is

placed on top of Hougetsu, taking up 7 points, on the next turn placing Kaname on top of

Hougetsu will only take away 6 points, and placing Hougetsu on top of Kaname would take

away 4. Whichever character has more points over the other will be seme at the time

of an H scene. Therefore you can make any character seme, so long as you place their

card on top of another character's enough that they steal enough of their points.


For reference, these are the default values of points between the cast members at the

beginning of the game:


Kaname = 5 : Azusa = 5                            Azusa = 5 : Kaname = 5

Kaname = 3 : Hougetsu = 7              Azusa = 2 : Hougetsu = 8

Kaname = 6 : Mayumi = 4                            Azusa = 5 : Mayumi = 5

Kaname = 3 : Mitsunobu = 7              Azusa = 1 : Mitsunobu = 9

Kaname = 2 : Norizane = 8              Azusa = 1 : Norizane = 9


Hougetsu = 7 : Kaname = 3              Mayumi = 4 : Kaname = 6

Hougetsu = 8 : Azusa = 2              Mayumi = 5 : Azusa = 5

Hougetsu = 7 : Mayumi = 3              Mayumi = 3 : Hougetsu = 7

Hougetsu = 6 : Mitsunobu = 4              Mayumi = 4 : Mitsunobu = 6

Hougetsu = 3 : Norizane = 7              Mayumi = 2 : Norizane = 8


Mitsunobo = 7 : Kaname = 3              Norizane = 8 : Kaname = 2

Mitsunobu = 9 : Azusa = 1              Norizane = 9 : Azusa = 1

Mitsunobu = 4 : Hougetsu = 6              Norizane = 7 : Hougetsu = 3

Mitsunobu = 6 : Mayumi = 4              Norizane = 8 : Mayumi = 2

Mitsunobu = 6 : Norizane = 4              Norizane = 4 : Mitsunobu = 6


Since you have 10 total points you can use per turn, if you used 7 points to move

Kaname on top of Hougetsu, you'd have 3 left to use between other characters that turn,

so you have to find someone that only takes 3 points or less to move on top of

another person. If the points are insufficient for the movement you are trying to

make, the character card will be red. Sometimes you also may not be able to move a

character's card on top of another character if certain plot events have not taken place

(in these cases, the card won't appear red, it just simply won't allow you to place it

on top of that specific character). If you change your mind, you can also drag a card

off of a character and place it elsewhere. You also DO NOT have to move any cards for a

turn if you do not wish. When you are finished arranging cards, you click the butterfly

in the bottom right corner of the screen.


In this guide, the placement of the cards is listed in the format of Character 1 x

Character 2. This means you will place Character 1's card on top of Character 2 that



This guide is designed not only to receive 100% of the CGs in the game, but ALSO to

obtain 100% of the Scenes in the game, not an easy task. Some scenes are very tricky to

acquire, and many are only slightly changed from other scenes (with only a few different

lines of dialogue within the scene). Most of these "scene oddities" I've fit into the

Bad Ending paths. If you are NOT interested in 100% of the scenes, then you can skip the

Bad Endings and not miss much. The only exceptions is under the Bad Endings section of

the guide, you need to play the "Bad Ending with Clue Obtainment" because it contains a

new CG (you may also get this CG by playing any of the Bad Endings with a Norizane

alternate ending in the Love Route section of the guide), and you need to play one

Humiliation Route Bad Ending to unlock a new CG (it doesn't matter for which character,

it is the same CG on all Humiliation Route Bad Endings).


You may pair the characters however you like, you do not necessarily have to use the

same sub-pairings that I used in a route. However, if you do follow my guide exactly

(using the same sub-pairings and playing all the Bad Endings) then you should receive

100% of the scenes in the game. At the bottom of the guide I have a listing of all the

CGs and where they are unlocked for quick reference. I do not have a Scenes guide

(because it can be hard to fully document them), but if you play all routes listed on

this guide, you should unlock all the scenes.






The basic layout of the Love Route is as follows:


   * To get the Good Ending for Kaname and another character, you must obtain all

     the clues related to the Hanakuihidori, and also complete Kaname's courting with

     the targetted character (both of their cards will turn gray when their Love Route

     is completed). On this guide, you will play the "Clue Obtainment" section first,

     and then make a save after it is completed, at Day 06/18. You will load ALL Love

     Routes from this save so you do not have to do the clue obtainment over again, so

     it is very important to keep this save! My recommendation: After the opening of

     the game, make a save on the Day 05/26 character selection screen (so you don't

     have to watch the opening again) and put it in Slot 1. After going through all the

     clue obtainment, make a save on the Day 06/18 character selection screen and put it

     in Slot 2. NEVER SAVE OVER SLOT 1 OR SLOT 2. To get the sub-character endings,

     you only have to play their cards with each other until they turn gray. On each

     pairing, I have a route listed for Character x Kaname and Kaname x Character (and

     sub-pairings seme/uke positions are switched as well). NOTE: After completing any

     Good Ending on the Love Route, Mikihiko's Diary will be unlocked in the Extra

     section. Watching this bonus story will unlock a CG in Mikihiko's Album.


   * To get the Bad Ending for Kaname and another character, you DO NOT obtain all the

     clues related to the Hanakuihidori, but DO complete Kaname's courting with the

     targetted character. Here you will load off of the save at Day 05/26 (in Slot 1).

     Simply play Kaname's cards with the targetted character (at the option where

     you can enter the Humiliation Route, always pick Option 2). Another way to get the

     Bad Ending for Kaname and another character is by playing their cards to their

     H scene, but not finishing them until both cards turn grey. In this guide there

     may also be some sub-pairings in these routes that unlock scenes not acquired

     during the Good Ending path.


   * For each listed route, there is also a slightly altered ending for the Norizane

     endings with a sub-character (by only a few different lines of dialogue in the

     ending scene). For these endings, you obtain all the clues related to the

     Hanakuihidori (so you will load from your 06/18 save in Slot 2), but DO NOT pair

     Kaname with someone (you may play his cards with other characters, just so long

     as you do not complete them to their H scene or the point they turn gray).

     Norizane and his targetted sub-character DO complete the courting process to

     the point their cards turn gray. In this guide there may also be some sub-pairings

     in these routes that unlock scenes not acquired during the Good Ending path.


If you are only interested in unlocking all the CGs, you may just play the two Good

Endings per pairing (there are different CGs related to who is seme or uke, so make

sure to do both Good Endings per pairing), and ignore the Bad Endings. If you want to

get 100% of the Scenes in the Extra section by the end of the game, then you will need

to play all the Bad Ending paths as well.


Make good use of the Skip feature! Pressing Shift turns on Skip Mode. It will run

through scenes until it reaches a scene you have not seen (or alternate lines within a

scene; after reading these lines when you can tell the scene is back to repeating what

you've already watched, hit Shift again to turn it back on). Once you play one good

route, when you play it again to get the mixed seme/uke pairings, you can skip over all

scenes, leaving only the new sex scenes to view. You'll also be able to skip over most

of the scenes within the Bad Endings except for the few bits that are a new scene or

an altered scene. (I don't suggest setting your Skip Mode to skip all text, since then

you don't really know when you are uncovering a new scene or altered scene. By default,

the game will only skip over previously viewed text).


Clue Obtainment



Opening - [CG 5-2 (Kaname Album) / CG 1-1 (Mikihiko Album)]

                [CG 5-3 (Kaname Album)]

                [H-CG 1-2 (Kaname Album)]

                [H-CG 1-1 (Kaname Album)]

*SAVE ON THE CHARACTER SELECT SCREEN!* (You will load the majority of the Bad

Endings from this Save)

05/26 - Kaname x Norizane

05/27 - Kaname x Norizane

05/28 - Kaname x Norizane

              [CG 1-1 (Hougetsu Album)]

              Option 2

05/29 - Mayumi x Kaname

05/30 - Mayumi x Kaname

05/31 - Kaname x Mayumi

06/02 - Kaname x Mayumi

06/03 - Mayumi x Kaname

06/04 - Azusa x Kaname

              [CG 1-1 (Mayumi Album)]

              Option 2

06/05 - Kaname x Hougetsu

06/06 - Kaname x Hougetsu

06/07 - Kaname x Hougetsu

06/08 - Option 2

06/09 - Hougetsu x Kaname

06/10 - Hougetsu x Kaname

06/11 - Kaname x Hougetsu

              Option 2

06/12 - Kaname x Mitsunobu

06/13 - Kaname x Mitsunobu

06/14 - Mitsunobu x Kaname

              [CG 2-1 (Kaname Album) / CG 1-1 (Mitsunobu Album)]

06/16 - Kaname x Mitsunobu

06/17 - Mitsunobu x Kaname             

              Option 2

06/18 - *SAVE ON THE CHARACTER SELECT SCREEN!* (You will load all Love Routes and

              one of the Bad Endings from this Save)





Azusa x Kaname:

(Sub-Pairings: Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane)

              *LOAD FROM SAVE AT DAY 06/18* (End of Clue Obtainment)

              06/18 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu

              06/19 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu

              06/20 - Azusa x Kaname, Mayumi x Norizane

              06/21 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane

              06/23 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane

              06/24 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane

              06/25 - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane

                            [H-CG 3-4 (Hougetsu Album) / H-CG 2-10 (Mitsunobu Album)]

              06/26 - Azusa x Kaname, Mayumi x Norizane

              06/27 - Azusa x Kaname, Mayumi x Norizane

                            [H-CG 1-7 (Kaname Album) / H-CG 1-3 (Azusa Album)]

                            [H-CG 1-8 (Kaname Album) / H-CG 1-4 (Azusa Album)]

              06/28 - Mayumi x Norizane

              06/30 - Mayumi x Norizane

              07/01 - Mayumi x Norizane

                            [H-CG 3-7 (Mayumi Album) / H-CG 3-4 (Norizane Album)]

              07/02 - Mayumi x Norizane

              07/03 - Advance days from 07/03 ~ 07/05

              07/07 - [CG 2-2 (Mikihiko Album)]

              After - Azusa x Kaname, Hougetsu x Mitsunobu, Mayumi x Norizane

                            [CG 4-10 (Kaname Album) / CG 4-1 (Azusa Album)]

                            [CG 3-12 (Hougetsu Album) / CG 3-12 (Mitsunobu Album)]

                            [CG 4-1 (Mayumi Album) / CG 4-2 (Norizane Album)]



Kaname x Azusa:

(Sub-Pairings: Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi)

              *LOAD FROM SAVE AT DAY 06/18* (End of Clue Obtainment)

              06/18 - Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/19 - Kaname x Azusa, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/20 - Kaname x Azusa, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/21 - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/23 - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/24 - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/25 - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/26 - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu, Norizane x Mayumi

                            [H-CG 2-6 (Hougetsu Album) / H-CG 1-10 (Mitsunobu Album)]

                            [H-CG 2-7 (Hougetsu Album) / H-CG 1-11 (Mitsunobu Album)]

              06/27 - Kaname x Azusa, Norizane x Mayumi

              06/28 - Kaname x Azusa, Norizane x Mayumi

                            [H-CG 2-10 (Kaname Album) / H-CG 1-5 (Azusa Album)]

                            [H-CG 3-1 (Mayumi Album) / H-CG 1-10 (Norizane Album)]

              06/30 - Norizane x Mayumi

              07/01 - Advance days from 07/01 ~ 07/05

              07/07 - [CG 2-2 (Mikihiko Album)]

              After - Kaname x Azusa, Mitsunobu x Hougetsu...

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