d20 RPG Objects Legends of the Ancients - Carthage.pdf

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Charles Rice
Additional Design By
Paul King
Cover Artwork
Jeremy Simmons
Chris Davis
Play Testing
Ed Lennon, Corey Hodges,
Paula Rice, Ethan Ripplinger,
Ryan Kelley, Jay Fitzloff, Chris
Hoover, Aaron Wiggins.
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minted coins accepted throughout the ancient world
which further enhanced their ability to trade.
This wealth was used to buy military might and
the Carthaginian army was largely composed of
mercenaries. Many of the Carthaginian mercenaries
were Numidians, a warlike African nation to the
south of Carthage. These warlike tribesmen fought
with large shields and spears and were greatly feared
in ancient times for their ferocity.
At its height, the Carthaginian Empire controlled
Northern Africa, Southern Spain (called “New
Carthage” by the Carthaginians), and the
Mediterranean islands of Corsica, Sardinia and
Western Sicily.
loses the war in the end, this becomes known as the
pyrrhic victory.
202 BCE: Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal at the
Battle of Zama (see below), ending the Second Punic
146 BCE: Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus destroys
Carthage. The city is besieged by a Roman army and
fleet for three years who starve the population down
from an estimated 250,000 to 50,000. When the city
finally capitulates every man, woman and child in the
city is sold into slavery. The city burns for 17 days,
after which salt is ploughed into the fields and a curse
pronounced over the area.
19 BCE: The poet Virgil dies and his unfinished
epic, the Aeneid is published. This epic poem
describes Carthage at its height and gives a mythical
reason for the enmity between Rome and Carthage.
1 st century BCE: Augustus carries out the will
of his adopted father, Julius Caesar and establishes
a colony for veterans on the site of Punic Carthage.
This colony must first overcome the curse placed
on the site by the Roman destroyers of the original
Carthage. Wolves attack the new colony in great
numbers, not only killing the inhabitants but also
destroying boundary markers and crops, driven by the
power of the curse to drive the new inhabitants from
the land they despoiled.
2 nd century CE: Always an excellent location for
a city, Roman Carthage is once again a prosperous,
vital center for trade in the ancient world and is the
2 nd largest city in the Western Roman Empire (after
2 nd through 4 th centuries CE: Carthage becomes
an early center for the Christian church: both
Tertullian and Augustine, influential early Christian
theologians live in Carthage.
439 CE: Carthage is conquered by the Arian
Christian Vandal King Gaiseric (the Arians are a
heretical offshoot of the early Christian church
banned by Rome). With Carthage as his base of
Welcome to the first in a new series
of Legends books: Legends of the
Ancients. Each book in this series
will present a brief snapshot of
an ancient civilization, presenting
enough history and mechanics for
you to add it to your game. Want to
add a historical flavor to a new land or
adventure? This series will help. For those who want
to run a fantasy game set in the ancient world, this
series, along with RPGObjects’ other Legends books
(Legends of Excalibur or Legends of the Samurai)
will, over time, help fill in more and more of the past
with a slant toward the fantastic.
Carthaginian History
814 BCE: Carthage founded.
6 th century BCE: Oligarchic constitution
508-450 BCE: Rome and Carthage sign peace
treaties. During this time Hamilcar Barca is defeated
by the Greeks in Sicily at Himera, preventing the
Carthaginians from gaining a foothold there.
409 BCE: Hamilcar’s grandson, Hannibal, defeats
the Greeks and destroys Himera. A temple to Athena
is built to thank the gods for the Carthaginian victory.
War continues with Greece for over a century.
5 th century BCE: Carthage conquers several Greek
colonies in western Sicily including Selinus.
323 BCE: Population of Carthage 200,000
264-240 BCE: First Punic War. Sicily and Sardinia
seized from Carthage by the Romans.
218 BCE: Hannibal Barca attacks Seguntum (an
island south of Spain), triggering war with Rome.
He eludes the army sent to stop him, marches across
the Alps and defeats the Roman army three times
in 218, 217 and 216 BCE. Although Hannibal wins
every battle he fights in Italy he is eventually forced
to return to African to defend his homeland where he
Carthage: Synopsis
Carthage was a powerful Empire that rivaled Rome
itself and vied with that great empire for supremacy
over the ancient world. Carthage was founded by
Phoenician emigrants and was located in modern
day Tunisia in North Africa. The Roman word for
these emigrants was poeni, from which is derived the
adjective punic, the name given to the Carthaginian
people and their three wars with the Roman Empire.
The site of the city, surrounded as it was by hills
and bordering on Lake Tunis was easily defensible,
had excellent ports, and an abundant supply of fish.
These combined to quickly elevate Carthage to
one of the largest cities in the ancient world with a
population of over 200,000 in the 4 th century BCE.
With the wealth from Africa’s natural resources
and Mediterranean Sea trade, including raw
materials, gold, silver and slaves, Carthage was also
one of the richest nations in the ancient world. The
Carthaginians trade with Britain for tin and trade with
Spain for gold, silver and copper. The Carthaginians
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operations, Gaiseric dominates the Mediterranean as
the Carthaginians (and later Romans) did and annexes
Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia. He even sacks Rome
itself, plundering the city for two weeks, carrying
inestimable wonders and treasures back to Carthage.
533 CE: The Byzantines send an expedition to
sack Carthage, ending the Vandal control over the
Mediterranean. Byzantine Emperor Justinian orders a
new city built on the site.
698 CE: Carthage is conquered by the Muslim
King of Egypt, Hasan ibn Noman who completely
destroys the city once again. But the site is too
valuable to go to waste and eventually a Muslim city
is founded on the site of Punic Carthage. This city,
named Tunis thrives to the present day.
was that Scipio had his own Numidian allies who
were only two days away with a force of 6,000 heavy
infantry and 4,000 cavalry, enough to give Scipio a
decisive advantage.
Hannibal, thinking he had a decisive advantage,
sought to negotiate Scipio’s surrender. Scipio used
this time to allow his reinforcements to arrive. Now
with an army greater in size to Hannibal’s, Scipio
moved to occupy the only source of fresh water in
the area. With his army exposed to the North African
desert heat, Scipio knew Hannibal had to attack
despite having the weaker force.
At home in Africa now, Hannibal had access to
specially trained war elephants and had 80 of them
brought to this battle. His plan was to have his
weaker cavalry entice Scipio’s mounted forces away
from his infantry and have his elephants smash the
Roman legions.
Scipio had known he would have to contend
with war elephants however and formed a plan
specifically to counteract them. The Romans left
huge lanes in between their forces, which were
arranged in columns (Roman armies typically fought
in small squares of men arranged in a checkerboard
formation). As the elephants attacked the Roman
soldiers stood their ground in a show of tremendous
discipline, when most armies would have broken
and fled to be trampled by the elephants. The Roman
swordsmen beat their swords on their shields and
shouted as loudly as possible while archers in their
midst fired arrows at the elephants and their riders.
The confused elephants, surrounded by noise and
the arrows piercing their hides as they ran through
the wide lanes the soldiers left for them became
frightened, feeling they were under attack by one
beast larger than themselves. They then panicked, and
as they returned to the Carthaginian lines trampled
Hannibal’s men in their frightened attempt to escape.
Hannibal’s planned elephant charge had been a
complete disaster.
Hannibal’s cavalry found its plan to draw off the
Roman cavalry equally frustrated. The retreating
elephants frightened the horses enough to allow
Scipio’s cavalry to close and engage. Soon the entire
force of Carthaginian cavalry had been routed off
the field as well. This led to the climactic battle
of the two infantry armies. This battle was still
very much in doubt with Scipio and Hannibal both
trying to outflank the army of the other, but when
Scipio’s cavalry returned from its complete route of
the Carthaginian horsemen and fell on the rear of
Hannibal’s infantry, they broke and fled and the war
was over. Scipio was soon honored with the name
he would be known by for the rest of his life: Scipio
The Battle of Zama
The battle that decided the Second Punic War was
the deciding battle not only for the Carthaginians’
desire to contend with Rome for dominance of the
ancient world, but also in the lives of two of the
most important historical figures of the age: Scipio
Africanus and Hannibal Barca.
With Hannibal and Scipio both in Carthage and
both aided by the heavy Numidian Cavalry, the scene
was set for the climactic battle of Zama. Hannibal
was raising a huge army; one that Scipio knew would
be able to defeat his small force if he allowed it to
assemble unmolested. He therefore began to attack
every vulnerable town in the interior of Carthage,
engaging in scorched earth warfare, destroying
everything his army could not carry away or use. This
forced Hannibal to attack before he was ready.
When Hannibal arrived at Zama he immediately
sent out spies. Scipio promptly captured them, but
rather than killing them he showed them around his
camp and then released them. What the spies had
seen was that Hannibal had much more cavalry than
Scipio and thus a decisive advantage in the coming
battle. What the Hannibal had no way of knowing
New Core
The mercenary fights for money.
In ancient times many rich empires
supplemented their armies heavily with mercenaries,
usually from barbarian cultures in Africa and
Adventures: Mercenary adventures often involve
a group of mercenaries being hired for a military
campaign. Often these campaigns take place far from
the mercenary’s home and are a good way for the
mercenary to see the world, gain experience and (of
course) wealth.
Characteristics: The mercenary is a fighter who
is primarily motivated by his desire for wealth.
While professional soldiers fight for nationalism or
ideology, the mercenary will serve with those he
detests as long as he is well compensated.
Religion: Most mercenaries have no interest in
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religion. However some are devout worshippers of
various gods, using their faith as a comfort when
they are far from home. The gods preferred by these
religious mercenaries are gods of battle, though some
revere the pagan gods of their barbarian homelands.
Background: Mercenaries tend to be rugged
individualists. Many end up leaving their homes and
taking up the life of a mercenary because they did not
fit in at home. So instead of attempting to conform
(or perhaps stage a revolution) these individuals
separate themselves from their society, surrounding
themselves with strangers who regard them with an
equal mixture of fear, contempt and awe. Sometimes
these outsiders make a home among the foreign
peoples they fight for, their skill in battle earning
them acceptance. Sometimes the mercenary returns
home, rich and powerful enough to return to his
society on his own terms. Most of these outsiders
leave and are never seen again and die on distant
shores far from home.
Other Classes: The mercenary gets along with
most classes, depending on alignment. A dishonorable
mercenary would probably not get along with a
Paladin but not because he is a mercenary, simply due
to his own character traits. Mercenaries and thieves
tend to get along extremely well, understanding one
another’s psychology and desire for wealth.
Role: The mercenary fills the role of the fighter
well. Although he is not usually heavily armored,
he makes up for that with extreme hardiness and an
inexhaustible grit and determination to get the job
done and earn his pay.
come from foreign lands whose inhabitants eschew
the use of armor.
Alignment: Any. Most mercenaries are Neutral,
believing in nothing they cannot spend or wear or
hold. These typical mercenaries are as loyal as they
are well-compensated and tend to move on if they
are not sufficiently rewarded. Some are despicable
creatures ready to betray their employers the minute a
better offer comes along even if it’s from a rival. Still
others are scrupulously Lawful, obeying contracts to
the letter.
Honor (optional): Owners of other books in the
Legends series may want to substitute Honor/Nobility
for Alignment. In this case the mercenary has no
Honor minimum but suffers double Dishonesty
Honor penalties while gaining double Honesty Honor
Hit Die: 1d12
feat at 1 st level.
Improved Feint: At 2 nd level the Mercenary
receives this feat as a bonus feat without needing the
Color of money: Mercenaries are motivated
by wealth. This allows an employer to motivate
his mercenaries to greater efforts if he is willing
to provide a monetary incentive. The mercenary
can gain the modifier listed on the class table as a
morale bonus to attack or skill checks once per day.
To qualify for this modifier the mercenary must be
promised a reward of at least 100 gold pieces per
character level (the mercenary might not qualify for
his bonus if working for a stingy employer).
Most mercenaries require at least half of this
money to be paid up front but that is a matter to be
settled between the mercenary and his employer.
Whether or not any funds are paid up front does not
affect whether or not the mercenary can use this class
At 5 th level the mercenary can use this ability twice
per day.
At 10 th level the mercenary can use this ability
three times per day.
At 15 th level the mercenary can use this ability four
times per day.
At 20 th level the mercenary can use this ability five
times per day.
Mercenary’s Revenge: Employers of mercenaries
realize that the promise of reward is enough to spur
the mercenaries to greater feats of warfare. The
promised reward often does not materialize and
mercenaries then turn on their former employers.
If a mercenary is promised rewards for the color of
money class ability and is not paid the full amount,
he gains his color of money modifier as a morale
bonus to all attack, damage and skill checks against
his employer until such time as he is paid or his
employer is killed. Using this modifier to collect
payment due does not count against the mercenary’s
Class Skills
The mercenary’s class skills (and the ability for each
skill) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str)
Skill Points at 1 st Level: (4+ Int. modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The mercenary
is proficient in all simple and martial weapons as well
as with Light and Medium armor and shields (but not
Tower Shields).
Weapon Focus: Mercenaries are not usually as
well equipped as professional soldiers, relying on a
few trusted weapons, often brought with them from
their exotic homelands to see them through many
campaigns. The mercenary gains this feat as a bonus
Game Rule Information
Mercenaries have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Strength and Constitution increase
the mercenary’s ability to engage in close combat.
Dexterity helps compensate for the fact that
mercenaries to not usually wear heavy armor, some
because they cannot afford it, but many because they
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color of money class ability for that day.
Often the lack of reward isn’t because the employer
was purposely deceptive. Perhaps a cache of gold was
thought to be in the city when it was not. Regardless
of the reason, many commanders have met their ends
on the swords of their own mercenaries when unable
to deliver upon their promises.
Bonus Feat: Although an unconventional soldier,
the mercenary continues to master the soldier’s art.
At the listed levels he gains a bonus feat from the
Fighter list of his choice. The mercenary must meet
all prerequisites for any feat selected.
Base Attack
1 st
Weapon Focus
2 nd
Improved Feint
3 rd
Color of money +1
4 th
Bonus Feat
5 th
Color of money 2/day
6 th
Color of money +2
7 th
Mercenary’s Revenge
8 th
Bonus Feat
9 th
Color of money +3
10 th
Color of money 3/day
11 th
12 th
Color of money +4
New Feats
13 th
Bonus Feat
14 th
15 th
Color of money 4/day
Mercenary Captain
The mercenary has risen to command his own small
band of mercenaries. As someone who understands
the workings of the mercenary mind, the mercenary
can attract followers through not only his personal
Charisma and reputation, but also his ability to
deliver wealth.
Prerequisite: Leadership, Color of money class
Effect: The mercenary gains a permanent bonus
to his Leadership score equal to his Color of money
modifier. This represents his reputation and standing
among other mercenaries.
The mercenary can also increase his Leadership
score temporarily by offering additional funds to
his followers. For each 1,000 gold pieces promised
to his followers at the completion of a mission,
the mercenary gains a temporary +2 bonus to his
Leadership score. At the end of the mission these
additional followers will fade away (after collecting
the promised additional funds).
If the mercenary does not deliver the promised
money he suffers a permanent penalty to his
Leadership score equal twice the bonus gained from
16 th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10
Color of money +5
17 th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10
Bonus Feat
18 th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11
Color of money +6
19 th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11
Bonus Feat
20 th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12
Color of money 5/day
offering additional reward. The mercenary may also
not use money to increase his Leadership score for 30
days after failing to deliver on a promise of reward.
NPC Mercenary
Starting Ability Scores: Str 15,
Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12,
Cha 8
Increased Ability Scores: 4 th Str 16;
8 th Con 14; 12 th Str 17; 16 th Str 18;
20 th Str 19
Primitive Background
Many mercenaries come from barbarian lands at the
edge of civilization. They are drawn to the civilized
lands in pursuit of fortune and glory, or perhaps out
of a desire to see how the more advanced peoples
live. Often they are not impressed.
Prerequisite: Rage class ability
Effect: You may pick one Simple weapon common
to your people. You gain a +1 to hit and damage
when wielding that weapon. This ability also adds
Barbarian to your favored class list.
Special: This feat may only be selected at 1 st level.
5 th Level Human Mercenary: CR 5; Size M; HD
5d12 + 5; hp 43; Init +2 (+2 Dex,); Speed 20 ft; AC
22 (+7 +2 breastplate , +3 +1 heavy steel shield , +2
Dex); BAB +5; Full Atk +10 melee (1d8+4/19-20/x2
+1 longsword ) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20/x2 light
crossbow); SQ Color of Money +1 2/day; AL any;
SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13,
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