d20 Ronin Arts Future Starship 10 - Thomas O'Dell.pdf

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Requires the use of the d20 Modern™ Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Welcome to Ronin Arts’ Future: Starship 10 –
Thomas O’Dell , the tenth in a series of PDFs for
use with futuristic D20 System campaigns. This
series makes some assumptions about your cam-
paign; the starship designs in this series will be
most useful in campaigns in which the following
statements are true:
• The campaign is not a “hard” science setting.
Campaigns that are more space opera/adventure
movie are the intended target for this series.
• Starships are not rare or unusual. All of the
starships in this series assume that space travel is a
standard and common occurrence – individuals
either fly their own ships or ride on passenger ships.
Starships and space travel are as common for char-
acters as a plane ride is for people of our reality.
• Space combat is not uncommon. It’s just
another exciting adventure when the player charac-
ters have to engage the enemy while fleeing from
some world or other.
• The campaign is packed with action. If things
aren’t exploding, how much fun can the game real-
ly be?
Most of the starships in this series are designed
to fill full pages. This is so that you can print the
pages – back-to-back if you wish – and drop them
into a binder. This introduction, and the page of new
starship equipment and assorted information, can
also be printed separately and added to your binder.
The schematic and silhouette page is designed to be
used as a player handout – it’s what flashes up on
their ship systems when they attempt to ID a ship –
and GMs need only give the players the page when
they encounter a ship from this series.
Michael Hammes has been freelancing in the
role-playing industry since 2001. Starting small, he
has steadily built his repertoire, and reputation, by
working for such companies as Ronin Arts, Alderac
Entertainment Group, Dark Quest Games, and E.N.
Publishing. He is currently trying to balance his
writing schedule with his role as stay-at-home
father. To catch the latest from Michael’s
The Thomas O’Dell design is based on
SkeletonKey Games’ e-Future Tiles: Star
Freighter tile set. While this PDF can be easily
used on its own you will get a lot more use out of it
in your game sessions if you construct the ship – at
miniatures scale – using the printable tiles.
To learn more about SkeletonKey Games please
visit their website at www.skeletonkeygames.com .
By the middle of the Gravity Age, humanity has
spread among the stars in thousands of colonies. Big
and small, near and far, primitive and advanced, pious
and hedonistic; every kind of colony imaginable
exists. While some colonies are wealthy and estab-
lished, most scrape out a precarious existence at the
very edge of humanity’s reach.
Out there, far from Earth and the Inner Systems,
the colonists live much like their 2nd Millennium fore-
fathers did. And like their forefathers, they rely on
ships for many of their needs. One such ship is the
Thomas O’Dell .
A former Fusion Age fast freighter, the Thomas
O’Dell is typical of the kinds of vessels that keep com-
merce, the lifeblood of the frontier, flowing. Bought as
a hulk from the Illuyrian shipyards and outfitted there
with whatever parts her crew could scrape together
and afford, she was made space-worthy again and
immediately set out for the frontier, far from the guild-
controlled shipping lanes of the Inner Systems.
Currently, the Thomas O’Dell makes its rounds
among the sixteen colonies and three planets of the
Vinkuel chain, transporting machinery, tools, vehicles,
and other finished and luxury goods from Port
Tooamah, the chain’s largest city and colony, to the
outlying colonies and returning with grain, processed
ores, and other raw materials.
While the ship has a skin of updated armor and a
new engine, the rest of her systems are woefully out of
date and it is the crew’s will and desire, and not a small
bit of luck, that keeps the Thomas O’Dell traveling
among the stars.
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fast Freighter
Defense: 7
Flat-footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 7
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 26d20 (520 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot’s Class Bonus: +3
Pilot’s Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner’s Attack Bonus: +2
Size: Colossal (–8 size)
Tactical Speed: 4,000 ft. (8 squares)
Length: 180 feet
Weight: 750 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 4 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base Purchase DC: 52 (53 as equipped)
Restriction: Restricted (+2)
Attack: 2 fire-linked heavy lasers -3 ranged
(12d8) and 2 fire-linked heavy lasers -3 ranged
(12d8) and 2 fire-linked heavy lasers -3 ranged
Attack of Opportunity: Point-defense system
+3 ranged (1d12+10)
Engines: Particle impulse engine, thrusters
Armor: Cerametal
Defense Systems: damage control system
(1d10), improved autopilot system, point-defense
Sensors: Class II sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Mass transceiver, radio
Weapons: 3 turrets of 2 fire-linked heavy lasers
(range incr. 4,000 ft.)
Grappling Systems: Grapplers
1. Cockpit - The cockpit is a typical commer-
cial layout. The pilot has the center station while
the co-pilot can occupy either of the other two sta-
tions. The three stations in the cockpit are able to
access the following functions: sensors, navigation,
engineering, and gunnery for one set of 2 fire-
linked heavy lasers.
2. Sick Bay - Getting the proper medicines and
hospital equipment on the frontier is no sure thing
and, although the ship’s crew does its best, the sick
bay is far from fully stocked. While able to handle
most basic first aid, the antiquated medical pro-
gram is not much help when it comes to more
unusual problems (it provides only a +5 equipment
bonus to any Treat Injury skill).
3. Head - Arguably the most important space on
the Thomas O’Dell, the bathroom is fully equipped
with a sink, shower, and toilet.
4. Engineering and Gunnery (E & G) Bays -
Each of these bays (port and starboard) contains an
engineering (aft) and a gunnery (fore) station.
Each engineering station monitors the perform-
ance of its adjacent engine as well as the various
ancillary systems (artificial gravity, life-support,
water-reclamation, etc.). The bays also contain the
access panels to the engines and ancillary systems
as well as a full set of maintenance tools (electrical
and mechanical).
Each of the gunnery stations controls one set of
2 fire-linked heavy lasers contained in rotating
unmanned turrets mounted on the ship’s hull.
5. Dining Area - When not on a mission, the
crew enjoys hanging around the dining area. Unlike
standard vessels that stock irradiated or dehydrated
food, which due to a lack of processing plants are
scarce on the frontier, the Thomas O’Dell’s kitchen
is stocked with the freshest produce available.
While this makes for arguably better-tasting meals,
it does mean that the ship can only hold enough
perishable goods in the refrigerator and freezer to
last the crew for one week.
The medical program on the Thomas O’Dell is a standard medical suite that includes diagnosis
and analysis programs. In essence, an operator enters in symptoms and other information and the pro-
gram does its best to determine the cause of the problem and suggest remedies. A medical program
always has a surgical program that can direct an individual in how to perform most common types of
Such programs are standard equipment on all starships, and while adequate, they are no substitute
for someone trained in the medical profession. The equipment bonus to Treat Injury provided by such
programs does not stack with an individual’s Treat Injury bonus; an individual can choose to use
either the medical program’s bonus or the bonus of an individual with the Treat Injury skill, hope-
fully whichever is higher.
Note that the program only makes diagnoses, suggests remedies, and gives instructions; it is not
able itself to dispense medications or perform surgery. Note that unless an individual performing sur-
gery has the Surgery feat, he or she still suffers the standard -4 penalty.
6. Crew Quarters - This cabin contains four
single bunks, one for each crewmember. In addition
to the wall lockers, each bunk has drawers under-
neath for added storage space.
7. Cargo Holds - The majority of the ship is
taken up by these large cargo holds. Able to hold 80
tons of cargo each, they are usually filled with all
manner of items in transit from one colony to the
Common items that could be found here
include: livestock, packages, luggage, tools, farm
implements, machinery (usually farm), small vehi-
cles, spare parts for machines, grain, processed
ores, fuel, weapons, building materials, portable
generators, pre-fab houses; in short, just about any
kind of legal (and illegal?) cargo the GM can dream
Open Game License
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15 COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game License v 1.0 Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich
Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!,
Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard
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Future: Starship 10 – Thomas O’Dell, copyright 2004 Michael
Hammes. Published by Ronin Arts www.roninarts.com. Based on
SkeletonKey Games’ e-Future Tiles sets – www.skeleton-
Future: Starship 10 – Thomas O’Dell is copyright © 2004 Michael Hammes. All text in this book is designated as open game
content. You may not distribute this PDF without permission of the author. d20 Modern™ is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission. Wizards of the Coast® is a registered trademark of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and is used with permission.
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