d20 Clockwork Golem Workshop Magic Merchants 1 - House of the Transformed Toad.pdf
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The House of the Transformed Toad is a small store devoted to the trade and sale of magic, particularly
potions and alchemical items. It’s well suited for inclusion in a small or large town, although it could fi t
nicely into a smaller settlement within your campaign if the village sits on a major trade route. It is de-
signed to cater to low-level characters, who will get the most use out of the items and potential adventure
hooks included herein, but can also serve as a fl avor encounter that reinforces a town’s rustic nature to
higher-level PCs. The Transformed Toad focuses its wares towards adventurers, and the store is designed
to appeal to a wide variety of character classes. It is an ideal starting point when introducing the concept
of buying and selling magic items to new players.
The necessity of balancing the mechanics of magic item trade against the mystery that surrounds
magic in fantasy fi ction and fi lm is one of the most diffi cult aspects of running a d20 fantasy game. While
it is easy to simply hand the players a list of items and their prices, or to disallow the sale of magic items
altogether, the Magic Merchants series is designed to help you tread that middle ground. Each product
within the series details a single store, with a stock of items and characters that can make trading for magic
items an encounter as interesting any other.
Like all books in the Magic Merchants series, the Transformed Toad is designed to give depth to your
world and add an extra level of engagement to the process of trading magic items. Among the items taken
from the core rules that are on sale in the small store there are several signature items that introduce new
magic and serve as a hook by which the House of the Transformed Toad can be distinguished from other
sources of magical trade.
How you use this book is entirely up to you. We’ve included a wealth of detail about the store, its
owner, and several of the items within it. Whether you choose to keep these details as presented, or simply
re-use the new items and brief histories in your own game to give the next hoard the players fi nd some
extra character is something only you can decide. While every effort has been made to create a product
that will slide easily into your campaign, the fi nal details of where and how the House of the Transformed
Toad and its contents will serve you and your players is a decision best made by the gamesmaster.
Written By Peter M. Ball
Editing by Adam Windsor and Cherelle Slater
Some artwork from Fantasy Filler Art copyright Rick Hershey, All Rights
Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition Core Books, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the United States and are used with Permission.
‘d20 System ’ and the ‘d20 System ’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0.A copy of this License can
be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
All text in this Product is designated as open game content.
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The House of the TRansformed Toad
Telgen Mythander has been running the House of
the Transformed Toad for nearly a hundred and
thirty years, buying and selling magical wares to
three generations of human adventurers. Telgen
himself is just shy of a hundred and seventy winters,
a plump owl of a gnome with ink-stained fi ngertips
and a potbelly that jiggles when he laughs.
From a young age Telgen has been driven by
two things; a love of travel and a desire to study and
create magical items. When it became apparent that
the necessities of one usually prevented the other,
Telgen turned briefl y to adventuring. In a short but
successful career, Telgen earned enough money
to build the Transformed Toad, and promptly set
about building a reputation as a reliable artifi cer
and merchant that caters to the novice adventurer.
Although the need to maintain his laboratory keeps
him from traveling much these days, the sheer
number of adventurers that pass through his doors
tell enough stories to assuage his wanderlust.
Rather than compete with the powerful
spellcasters that fl ock to the larger cities, Telgen
chose a small town as the location for his store.
Located in the middle of a major trade route, the
village is little more than a rest stop for merchant
caravans, but this is more than enough to ensure
a variety of customers fi nd their way to Telgen’s
Located in a quiet street, The House of the
Transformed Toad is immediately recognized by
the magically animated sign that hangs over the
doorway. Small children are often seen crowded
around the store during the day, watching the
illusory battle between a gnomish wizard and an
orcish warrior that takes place on the sign. Almost
inevitably the gnome is the victor, with the orc
being transformed into a somewhat surprised toad
to the cheers of the gathered children.
Although the building that holds the shop is
huge, the shop itself is barely more than a dozen
feet wide. Short shelves line the wall, holding magic
potions and scrolls that are carefully placed to avoid
the appearance of crowding. A few wands sit in a
wooden case on the counter, locked with a golden
padlock, while other items of interest are displayed
on black velvet inside a glass cabinet.
Anyone detecting magic inside the store notices
a variety of auras, primarily the dim radiance of
minor magic items. Taking the time to study the
auras quickly reveals an absence of necromancy and
enchantment magic, with most of the prominent
stock radiating transmutation, evocation and
A door to the rear of the store is locked, with
a sign noting that it leads to a private residence.
Good locks (DC 30) are used on all doors.
Astute readers will notice that the Transformed Toad is woefully ill-equipped to stop determined thieves,
with only mundane locks protecting the magical equipment contained on the store shelves. This choice
was primarily made for stylistic reasons - powerful arcane wards and exotic traps send players a very
different message to a stout lock and the watchful eye of the storekeeper.
Furthermore, we wanted to keep theft within the range of petty thugs and low-level NPC rogues; a
burglary at the Toad can be an easy adventure hook once the players have befriended Telgen, and the
low-level focus of the Toad’s wares mean that theft should be within the reach of foes low-level PC’s
are capable of defeating.
This approach can become problematic, however, in groups where a larcenous PC has his heart set
on ransacking Telgen’s establishment. A successful heist against the Toad can quickly net the character
far more wealth and magic than you’d prefer for such an easy job. GM’s placed in this situation are
encouraged to bolster the Toad’s defenses, with
fi re traps
on shelves and the most valuable items sccured
elsewhere while the store is closed.
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The House of the TRansformed Toad
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to point out their advantages to customers, both
as diversions (particularly the boar, the warrior,
the bear and the half-orc), or as a quick form of
concealment and cover when necessary (the statue
and the wall have proven particularly popular in this
regard). Custom images that take up space greater
than 10 cubic feet are beyond the power of the
liquid images, and actions are limited to relatively
simple tasks.
Telgen normally has two vials of each image in
stock, with a 20% chance of a new image being
included among his wares every week. If one of
the images is sold, it is replaced within two days
unless Telgen and his apprentices have been
commissioned to make a powerful item.
Telgen’s standard liquid images cost 45 gp per
vial, a slight reduction on the potions market value
due to the users inability to control the actions of the
illusion. Custom images that can be programmed
to perform according to the purchaser’s wishes
cost 50 gp per vial, and take a day to prepare.
Faint illusion; CL 1st; Prerequisites: Brew
silent image
; Price: 50 gp; Cost: 25 gp + 2
Each of these small glass vials contains a swirling
liquid rainbow. Anything more than a cursory look
reveals a moving image trapped in the heart of
the container. By uncapping the vial and pouring
the liquid out, the user frees a silent illusion that
follows a single preprogrammed action.
Telgen typically keeps six kinds of images on
• A human warrior wearing chainmail and
wielding a greatsword, standing guard with
the blade pointed towards the ground.
• A half-orc warrior that runs screaming in
the direction opposite the user, a gleaming
falchion held high over his head.
• A brown bear that stands nearly seven
and a half feet in height, standing on its
hind legs and pawing the air in a threatening
gesture of warning.
• A wild boar with sharp tusks and frothing
saliva. Like the half-orc, the boar charges
in the direction opposite the user when
• A decaying statue of Lord Gelfrey
Porphory, a nobleman who insulted the
young Telgen before he completed his
studies. One out of every fi ve potions that
Telgen brews with this image has a short
mustache and goatee stenciled onto the
• A ten-foot square block of stone wall.
Liquid illusions make no sound, and last for
one minute before they fade into nothingness.
Creatures that interact with the illusions get a Will
save (DC 11) to disbelieve their existence. Moving
images travel 40 ft. per round in a single direction
once unleashed.
Telgen is willing to make custom images on
commission, and occasionally tries a new liquid
image as a speculative venture, but he sticks with
the solid sellers as much as possible. He is quick
There are only two of these vials kept in Telgen’s
store, and he faces the prospect of their sale with
some trepidation. He has only recently perfected
the crafting of these elixirs, a process that required
many weeks of scorched eyebrows and fi re-beetle
glands. Should anyone look at the amber bottles,
the plump gnome starts regaling them with stories
about the creation and perfection of the formula
Each elixir allows the drinker to spit up to three
gouts of fl ame. Each gout deals 4d6 points of fi re
damage to a single target within 25 feet, although
the target can make a Refl ex save (DC 13) for
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The House of the TRansformed Toad
half damage. Gouts of fl ame that haven’t been
used within 1 hour of drinking the elixir dissipate
harmlessly, although the drinker may be wracked
with a series of smoking hiccups if he fails a
Fortitude save (DC 10). The hiccups are harmless,
but if mentioned to Telgen at a later date he will
fl ush and mutter something about a few kinks left
before he’s truly perfecting the formula.
Elixirs of Fire Breath
cost a little less than
the standard price due to their imperfect formula.
He will replace purchased vials at a rate of one vial
every two days, although after he fi nishes crafting
the seventh vial he will have exhausted his store of
the necessary ingredients. The ingredients, primarily
fi re beetle glands and the roots of a particularly
spicy plant, take three weeks to re-order, although
Telgen is happy to discount his price by 10% should
the customer bring him a fresh supply.
Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous
scorching ray
; Price 1,050 gp.
There is also a 20% chance that Telgen will have
a wand holding one of the other spells on his list in
stock. All wands are sold for the standard market
Telgen typically keeps a small vareity of scrolls in
his store, either scribed from his own collection or
commisioned from nearby clerics and druids who
see the continued presence of the Transformed
Toad as a useful source of magic lore and spell
The following scrolls can usually be found in
Telgen’s inventory:
Cure Light
25 gp each
Silent Image, Ghost
38 gp each
Erase, Enlarge
50 gp each
Shillelagh, Magic
Telgen has learned the secret of crafting wands only
recently, so he is still tentative about their creation.
Customers who purchase one of his arcane wands
are badgered with questions about its effectiveness
the next time they return.
In addition to the wands he crafts himself, Telgen
stocks a
wand of cure light wounds
he commisioned at
a temple three days to the south. If the wand is
sold, he immediately sends one of his apprentices
to commision another, replacing the sold stock
within a week.
Wands crafted by Telgen are replaced within
four days of being sold.
Telgen stocks the following wands, all fully
50 gp each
Shillelagh, Magic
Fang, Cure Light
75 gp each
Flaming Sphere
150 gp each
Minor Image*
150 gp each
Scrolls marked with an asterix are replenished
within one day of purchase by Telgen or his
apprentices. Divine scrolls are replenished at the
end of every second week.
In addition to his normal supplies Telgen is
constantly trading with customers to get copies of
new spells or scrolls he doesn’t have the skill or
inclination to scribe. At any given time he has 1-
3 scrolls in stock, determined
randomly on the minor
scroll treasure table. All
scrolls in the House of
the Transformed Toad
are for sale at the
usual prices.
Detect Magic
375 gp
Cure light wounds
750 gp
Mage armor
750 gp
4,500 gp
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