7.Zakupy i usługi.doc

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7   Zakupy i usługi

Ćwiczenie 1.

Dopasuj rodzaje towarów do sklepów, gdzie można je kupić. W niektórych przypadkach istnieje kilka możliwości.

a.              a bunch of flowers       d. cabbage              g. kiwi fruit              i. shoe polish

b.              a loaf of bread              e. chicken breasts              h. pastries              j. washing-up liquid

c.              a pair of trainers              f.   dental floss

Ćwiczenie 2.

Zdecyduj, w których działach domu towarowego poszukasz poniższych towarów. Wpisz je w odpowiednie rubryki.






shower gel

birthday cards










body lotion

feather duster



transparent pockets





washing powder


furniture polish




Ćwiczenie 3.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

1.  Where do you prefer to do your shopping: in a large department store, shopping centre, or supermarket, or rather in a small shop, e.g. a local corner shop in your neighbour­hood? Why? If you prefer a small local shop, do you know the shopkeeper personally? What is his or her name?

2.  If you are going to buy many items, how do you make your shopping list?

3.  What products do you buy most often? Do you like shopping for clothes? Why? Why not?

4.  Do you like window shopping or rather not? Why?

5.  How many shops are there in the place where you live? If there are not many shops, is there a general store where you can buy all the things you need? How big is it? Is it well stocked? What cannot you buy in that shop?

6.  Is there a local market near where you live? What do you usually buy there? How many stalls are there? Do the traders sell their products at a discount at the end of the day? How big are the discounts?

7.  Do you find shop assistants in Poland polite and helpful or rather not? Why?

8.  What have you recently bought that was on special offer? Was it more than 50% off the original retail price? Was it a bargain or rather not? Why?

Ćwiczenie 4.

Jak odpowiesz na poniższe słowa sprzedawcy?

1.   Can I help you?

2.   How would you like to pay?

3.   Would you like a bag?

4.   What size are you? (What size do you take?)

5.   Have you got a club card?

6.   Here's your receipt. Cheers.

Ćwiczenie 5.

Przypomnij sobie, gdzie ostatnio robiłeś/robiłaś zakupy. Jaki to był sklep i co kupiłeś/kupiłaś?

Ćwiczenie 6.

Do każdego punktu usługowego i instytucji przyporządkuj odpowiednią czynność z poniż­szej listy.

a.              bank              e.              travel agency              i.              embassy              m. nightclub

b.              estate agent              f.              post office              j.              dry-cleaner's              n. disco

c.              insurance company              g.              police station              k.              leisure centre

d.              job centre              h.              registry office              I.              take-away

Ćwiczenie 7.

Dopisz w odpowiednie miejsca tabeli po dwa wyrazy lub zwroty związane z wymień miejscami.

advertisement bar area brochures civil marriage dishes

fitness centre for sale free delivery heated pool ironing last minute laundry service

live music

next day delivery service



registration of births, marriages and deaths

residential area

temporary employment

to book a flight  

to cash a cheque

to inspect the area

to suspect

to turn down an application

Ćwiczenie 8.

Z powyższej listy urzędów, lokali i punktów usługowych wybierz dwa, do których się ostatnio udałeś, i powiedz, w jakim celu tam byłeś.

Przykłady: Yesterday I went to a dry-cleaner's to have my jacket cleaned. Lastweeklwas at apost office to sendaparcel to my brother. Last month I went to a travel agency to buy plane tickets. Two weeks ago I had to go to the American embassy to get a visa stamp in mypassport.

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