1993.Son In Law.EN.1OF1.640X336.txt

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{360}{496}? Yee-ee, yee-ee ??
{791}{842}[ Man ]|As your principal,
{841}{932}l watched you all start out|here at Lincoln High...
{930}{1017}caterpillars in|our cocoon of stability.
{1016}{1116}Over the last four years,|your chrysalis has hardened.
{1114}{1206}And now if l listen closely,
{1204}{1267}l can almost hear|your cocoons opening.
{1266}{1357}l see before me|monarch butterflies...
{1355}{1435}ready to take off into|that great adventure...
{1434}{1498}that l like to call ''life.''
{1497}{1599}- [ Applauding ]|- And now...
{1597}{1671}l'm proud to present|your valedictorian...
{1669}{1721}Rebecca Warner.
{1721}{1799}[ Applauding, Cheering ]
{1797}{1862}Rebecca ! Whoo !
{1862}{1956}Today l would like|to talk about change.
{1953}{2007}lt's all around us.
{2006}{2120}Change. lt happens|whether we want it or not.
{2117}{2212}Change. Are we ready for it ?
{2209}{2269}l think so.
{2267}{2353}We are poised|and prepared for the future,
{2352}{2436}ready to embrace new people,|places and ideas.
{2434}{2482}[ Grunting, Blowing Raspberry ]
{2482}{2574}- ln short, we are ready|for the challenge of life.|- [ Snoring ]
{2572}{2649}- Ladies and gentlemen,|take a good look at us.|- [ Boy ] Wake up !
{2648}{2694}We are the future.
{2694}{2747}We are the Lincoln Tigers.
{2838}{2934}Hear us roar !|Whoo ! We did it !
{2932}{3012}[ Principal ]|l give you the class of 1993 !
{3009}{3058}- Rebecca !|- Zack, get up.
{3057}{3106}-Why don't you let me take the picture ?|-No, no, no, Dad, l'll take it.
{3105}{3156}- Don't worry about it.|- All right, okay. Do what you want.
{3156}{3217}- Hold still there.|- Rebecca ! Give me that camera, Walter.
{3217}{3269}lf we wait much longer,|it will be my graduation.
{3268}{3316}- Travis, would you please|take our picture ?|- Come on !
{3316}{3364}- Oh, yeah.|- Mom, where do you want me?
{3364}{3437}- Now look here, Travis,|you ever work one of these ?|- Come on, Dad !
{3436}{3526}- Just a minute, please.|- ln my day, all ya did|was push a button.
{3524}{3580}-ln his day, dinosaurs roamed the Earth.|-Okay, Walter,
{3580}{3658}- we're ready.|- Look, l'm just tryin'|to get a good one, damn it.
{3657}{3716}- Mom, it's fine.|- lt will be fine.
{3714}{3802}- All right, all right,|is everybody ready ?|- Yes !
{3800}{3875}- All right, everybody say, ''Cheese.''|- Cheese !
{3874}{3964}[ Walter ] Travis,|did you press that little thing--
{3963}{4044}California is a long way off|just to go to school.
{4041}{4127}- Are you sure you don't|wanna reconsider State ?|- [ Rebecca ] No, Dad.
{4126}{4219}- You know l wanna do this.|- Yeah.
{4217}{4279}Oh. Rebecca.
{4278}{4339}l-l'm not sure that l've...
{4338}{4407}really prepared you for what|you're gonna run into out there.
{4407}{4498}What l mean is...
{4495}{4550}the boys are different|than they are here.
{4548}{4602}They, um, uh--
{4601}{4680}W-W-What l'm tryin'|to say is that the--
{4679}{4768}Well, the lifestyle's|a lot faster.
{4765}{4850}- Are you tryin' to tell me|not to have sex, Dad ?|- Huh ?
{4901}{4950}l'll be fine.
{4949}{5024}- You know me.|- [ Chuckles ] Well, it's, uh--
{5022}{5109}lt's pretty late. Uh, guess|we'll get a little shut-eye, huh ?
{5107}{5182}- Yeah.|- Okay.
{5212}{5261}- Good night.|- Good night.
{5770}{5820}- Travis ?|- What ?
{5820}{5890}- Slow down.|- Why ?
{5889}{5987}'Cause l-l want it to be right.
{5985}{6107}Well, when's it gonna be right ?|You're leaving tomorrow.
{6104}{6163}You act like it's forever.
{6162}{6248}Well, l'm not gonna see you|for three months.
{6246}{6316}What if everything changes ?
{6314}{6392}Nothing is going to change.
{6390}{6468}l'll go to school,|you'll work at the co-op...
{6467}{6568}and we'll see each other|every single vacation.
{6566}{6646}And when l'm done,
{6645}{6731}we'll be together.
{6728}{6810}- Promise ?|- Promise.
{6896}{6955}l guess l can wait.
{6954}{7027}Now... where were we ?
{7115}{7218}That's no way to pack a truck, Junior.|These bags should be back there.
{7216}{7290}- Oh, come on, Dad.|l know what l'm doin'.|- All right, all right.
{7288}{7369}But don't come cryin' to me|when my granddaughter's clothes...
{7368}{7442}- are scattered all|up and down the highway.|- Watch your hands.
{7440}{7502}- Zack, where's your sister ?|- What ?
{7501}{7580}l don't know. Maybe she's still|in the barn with-- [ Clearing Throat ]
{7579}{7633}- [ Connie ] Zack.|- What ?
{7632}{7688}- [ Walter ] Rebecca ! Let's go !|- Just a minute.
{7688}{7713}Okay !
{8004}{8078}Learn a lot, Shortcake !
{8077}{8141}[ Zack ]|How long 'til we get there ?
{8140}{8207}[ Connie ] Two days, Zack,|so you might as well relax.
{8207}{8259}- [ Zack ] Shit.|- [ Connie ] What did you say ?
{8258}{8336}- l said, ''shoot.''|- Hmm, Walter, isn't that the long way ?
{8335}{8395}- [ Walter ] You wanna drive ?|- l'm sorry. l'm trying to help.
{8395}{8443}[ Zack ]|Next stop, sunny California.
{8443}{8528}- Stop !|- l'm doin' the drivin' here, Connie.
{8526}{8606}[ Everyone Arguing ]
{8605}{8720}[ Man On P.A. System ] All freshman must|report for registration by 6:00 p.m.
{8716}{8807}lf you don't register,|you don't exist.
{8805}{8853}- [ Rebecca ] Quit it, you little--|- [ Zack ] l don't have to.
{8853}{8905}- Fine, l'm ignoring you now.|- [ Walter ] lf you kids don't shut up,
{8905}{8975}l'm gonna turn this car around.|We're gonna go right back home.
{8974}{9072}[ Zack ] You don't have to freak, Dad.|Speaking of freaks, hey, how ya doin' ?
{9124}{9201}- [ Walter ] Look at that idiot.|- [ Zack ] Great school, Rebecca.
{9200}{9248}- You need a lobotomy to get in here ?|- Shut up !
{9248}{9297}Don't say shut up.
{9297}{9359}Coming through !
{9357}{9435}Oh, my God.|We're never gonna get through here.
{9434}{9495}- Zack, come on.|- Zack, do your share.
{9494}{9584}- l'm not a bellboy.|- Hey, pick up the trunk !
{9583}{9651}- Mom--|- [ Connie ] Walter,|don't you yell at him in public !
{9650}{9749}- Your father's a little|out of his element.|- Can we just go to my room ?
{9747}{9809}- l'll take the trunk.|- Connie !
{9808}{9881}- You take this or you're|not going to Disneyland.|- What ?
{9880}{9968}- Wait a minute, will ya ?|Wait a minute !|- l can do it.
{9966}{10077}- Look at them two.|- They're fresh off the farm,|aren't they ?
{10075}{10145}?? [ Heavy Metal Blaring ]
{10144}{10204}- [ Zack ] Shut up ! Stop pushing me !|- [ Rebecca ] You shut up !
{10203}{10263}- Hey, hey, hey, come on now.|- Stop fighting, please !
{10339}{10404}- [ Gasping ]|- Excuse us.
{10403}{10460}Hey, T.J. ! Watch out !
{10494}{10574}- Excuse me, dude. Excuse me.|- Goddamn !
{10608}{10686}Rebecca, come on. Let's just|keep movin', everybody. Come on.
{10775}{10870}This is the, uh, opportunity|that you wanted for your daughter ?
{10867}{10916}This is it.
{10948}{11033}- Go ! Shut up.|- Zack, okay, that's it.
{11031}{11108}God !
{11106}{11172}Zack, be care--|Ohh ! Mom !
{11172}{11223}Oh, here they are.
{11222}{11306}At least she's gonna be across|the hall from somebody who's in charge.
{11305}{11430}Sensible white cotton briefs, Rebecca.|Must be a real thrill seeker.
{11427}{11488}- Zack. Zack !|- Would you just stop it,|both of you ! Stop it !
{11487}{11539}Hey, hey.
{11539}{11616}Oh, honey, look how|wrinkled everything is.
{11615}{11692}- Now this is underwear.|- Zack !
{11690}{11792}- Stay out of her drawer.|- Oh, Zack, can you gimme|the key, please ?
{11790}{11857}- l don't have it.|- What do you mean ?|l told you to bring it.
{11856}{11931}Damn it, Zack, l swear,|l think your brain produces...
{11930}{12052}- a chemical that blocks out my voice.|- Excuse me, l can't hear you.
{12049}{12105}- [ Sighs ]|- Stop it !
{12105}{12206}- Hi. l'm Carol. l'm your new roommate.|- Roommate. Hi.
{12203}{12304}- l know you two are just|gonna be the best of friends.|- Mom.
{12302}{12361}Well, l'll leave you two|to get acquainted.
{12361}{12460}- Ah !|- Hi, l'm Rebecca. l, uh--
{12457}{12542}l think there's some law|that says your family's...
{12541}{12630}- supposed to embarrass you|on the first day of school.|- l think it's Murphy's.
{12627}{12697}- l'm sorry.|- My family's the same way.
{12695}{12815}- Hey, Carol, phone !|- Ah, communal living. Excuse me.
{12811}{12878}Oh, bye-bye.
{12877}{12964}- What a nice girl.|- So guess that's it, huh ?
{12963}{13066}Nope, nope. l gotta find a screwdriver|so l can get this trunk open for ya.
{13063}{13105}[ Sighs ]
{13106}{13165}[ lndistinct Chatter ]
{13302}{13396}?? [ Heavy Metal Blaring ]
{13394}{13452}Hello ?
{13507}{13576}Hello ?
{13612}{13661}Anybody home ?
{13660}{13746}- Hello !|- Hey !
{13744}{13806}[ Laughing ]
{13805}{13890}Oh, uh, sorry.|l need a, uh, screwdriver.
{13888}{13957}Ah, l'm sorry.|l'm all out of vodka.
{13956}{14041}Oh, no, no, no. l-l-l need|to borrow a real screwdriver...
{14040}{14110}uh, to open my...
{14109}{14199}uh, uh, my, uh,|daughter's trunk.
{14197}{14317}Oh, you have a daughter.|Ha ! ls she hot ?
{14314}{14387}- What ?|- Don't worry. l'll keep|a special eye on her for ya.
{14386}{14491}- My name's Crawl.|- Oh, uh-- [ Gasps ]
{14488}{14569}Ha ! And l'm|the resident advisor.
{14567}{14640}- Aw, shit.|- What ? Hey, wait. Come back.
{14639}{14706}- Aw, shit !|- Don't leave me hangin' !
{14705}{14763}Ooh !
{14763}{14831}l'm not gonna have her livin'|across the hall from that, uh,
{14830}{14889}- that, that thing over there !|- Who ?
{14888}{14971}- l told you l didn't like|this coed business.|- Calm down, Walter.
{14970}{15049}Hey ! Oh.
{15047}{15139}Rebecca, everyone, l'd like you|to meet my girlfriend Lisa.
{15138}{15215}- Hi.|- [ Warners ] Hi.
{15213}{15292}Nice to meet you.|l'm really sorry about that.
{15291}{15365}- Aren't you, Zack ...
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