
(60 KB) Pobierz
{2123}{2149}Good Lord!
{2152}{2209}This is not as you said|it would be, Dr. Jones.
{2212}{2288}- I got it back for you, didn't I?|- Yes, but for how long?
{2691}{2740}God it's deep!
{2753}{2830}- Good driving.|- It's not my first time, you know.
{3203}{3287}- Looks like a storm is coming.|- Good, that'll help us.
{3581}{3667}This is good.|The snow is going to cover our tracks.
{3669}{3766}If we don't find shelter soon,|it's not going to make any difference.
{3768}{3843}Look. Come on.
{4025}{4072}I really hope|that you can get us out of this.
{4075}{4116}Relax, Greycloud.
{4119}{4207}Nobody is going to come after us|till this storm dies down.
{4400}{4505}This is probably the most sacred relic|of my people's past.
{4525}{4590}Well, here's a sacred relic of my past.
{4865}{4944}Reminds me of working my way|through the University of Chicago.
{4947}{4991}You playing that?
{5008}{5068}No. No, I was a waiter.
{5092}{5130}But that's an art in itself.
{5132}{5195}{y:i}You know, you don't start at the top.
{5215}{5279}{y:i}You work your way up,|{y:i}perfect your style
{5282}{5351}{y:i}till you are at the top,|{y:i}like Colosimo's Restaurant,
{5353}{5429}{y:i}best food, best service|{y:i}and best jazz in Chicago.
{5433}{5471}{y:i}I was crazy about jazz.
{6032}{6118}Hey, kid. Hey. What is this?|This is not what I ordered.
{6139}{6183}Jonesy, Jonesy,|have we got a problem here?
{6185}{6220}Tell me we don't got a problem here.
{6223}{6301}I ordered the osso buco.|This looks like a fish to me.
{6304}{6355}Jonesy will take care of it right away.
{6357}{6417}And the next round of iced tea is on me.
{6559}{6631}Hey, where's my fish? There it is.
{6633}{6695}Jones, wake up. Here's your osso buco.
{6698}{6732}Come on.
{6763}{6803}That's for the orchestra?
{6962}{7040}That was sweet. That was really sweet.
{7223}{7299}- Good night, Indy.|- Good night, Babs.
{7352}{7415}You know, I heard King Oliver play|in New Orleans when I was 12.
{7418}{7468}You ever get to play with him?
{7568}{7607}Person's talking to you, Sidney.
{7609}{7696}Kid, he jammed with the King|when he was still in short pants.
{7707}{7782}- How come Sidney don't talk to people?|- Well, he talks to people he likes.
{7784}{7853}- He never talks to me.|- Yeah, goes to show you.
{8209}{8263}Indy, would you close the window?|I'm soaking wet.
{8266}{8330}The breeze is going|to give me pneumonia.
{8342}{8397}- I'm hot.|- Well, I'm freezing.
{8404}{8463}Come on, Eliot, let's go out.|I can't study tonight.
{8465}{8531}You're crazy. It's midnight.|I've got an 8:00 accounting class.
{8534}{8584}Let's just go down to the Royal Garden,|catch one set.
{8587}{8635}- Forget it.|- Eliot...
{8662}{8746}Just don't ask me to keep you company|at another one of your aunt's dinners.
{8748}{8799}You're such a square.
{8802}{8839}Why, because I need|a good night's sleep?
{8841}{8899}You're the world's youngest|stuffy old fart.
{8917}{8947}I am not.
{8963}{9039}I'm telling you as a pal,|you're a 70-year-old kid.
{9043}{9093}You need to loosen up.
{9096}{9147}Now get your coat.
{9959}{10058}Look, that's Baby Dodds on drums|and his brother Johnny on clarinet.
{10082}{10135}This is not like the Rosemont cotillion.
{10138}{10181}How you doing, gentlemen?|What will it be?
{10184}{10224}Two waters, please.
{10434}{10486}- Don't stare.|- I'm not staring.
{10898}{10953}Look, there's Bechet.
{11104}{11153}Listen to that syncopation!
{11228}{11263}Listen, listen.
{11268}{11325}Da, da,|The notes coming in between the beats.
{11328}{11386}- Yeah, that's what's different.|- Yes, the jazz rhythm syncopation,
{11388}{11431}- they play them behind the beats.|- You can't tell me
{11433}{11505}you think this is better than|Mozart or Puccini.
{11607}{11647}What the heck is this?
{11711}{11780}- I think it's gin.|- I thought you ordered water.
{11782}{11827}Guess they gave us Prohibition water.
{11829}{11901}You know my brother-in-law|works for the Bureau of Investigation.
{11904}{11975}It would not look good for him|if somebody saw me here.
{11978}{12050}- Relax, no one knows you're here.|- My parents would kill me!
{12052}{12109}- I'm leaving.|- Hey, watch yourself, kid.
{12112}{12173}- Sorry, sir, it was an accident.|- I don't like accidents.
{12176}{12232}- Come on, get out of here...|- Sorry.
{12235}{12263}Come on, get out!
{12266}{12296}Eliot, get up.
{12299}{12345}- I lost my beanie.|- Get up!
{12348}{12420}- Hey, is this what you're looking for?|- Hey!
{12423}{12471}- Excuse me, could I please have...|- No, no, no, no! Sir! Sir!
{12474}{12504}Excuse me. Gee whiz!
{12535}{12563}Come on!
{12621}{12668}Children... Hey!
{12670}{12730}Excuse me... Ma'am, ma'am...
{12732}{12809}Hey! Hey, you kids!|Get your behinds out of here.
{12812}{12840}I want to see the backs of it.
{12843}{12889}- Do you hear me talking?|- We're going, sir. We're leaving, sir.
{12892}{12941}- We're leaving.|- Who's messing this up here?
{12944}{13009}These kids are busting up the place,|that's who's messing.
{13012}{13084}Sid-man, this is all really|a big misunderstanding. Actually...
{13087}{13139}- Sid, you know these kids?|- This one.
{13142}{13209}Yeah, me and Sid-man, we're pals.|We work at Colosimo's together.
{13212}{13235}He'll vouch.
{13238}{13306}I was going to|throw them out of here, Sid.
{13374}{13412}Fine by me.
{13415}{13472}Get them out of here.|Get your behinds...
{13474}{13515}Get them out of here!
{13522}{13562}Now, keep walking!
{13564}{13631}Get out of here and don't come back!
{14041}{14091}I wanted to apologize about last night.
{14093}{14175}We weren't there to make trouble.|We just... We just wanted to listen.
{14177}{14217}You got a funny way of listening.
{14220}{14292}Place got shut down last year|because of a riot.
{14295}{14328}You thinking about starting|another one?
{14330}{14395}- No, no, I...|- A little excitement never hurt no club.
{14397}{14446}What you schoolboys doing|hanging around the club, anyway?
{14448}{14479}For the music.
{14482}{14568}I grew up listening to Tom Turpin,|Eubie Blake, Jelly Roll Morton.
{14571}{14618}I've got all Scott Joplin's music.
{14620}{14668}When I went to New Orleans,|my parents had to drag me away
{14671}{14735}- from Preservation Hall.|- I played there.
{14738}{14772}And Liberty Hall.
{14774}{14799}- And Pitman's.|- Yeah.
{14801}{14849}Hey, now, that's the place. Yeah.
{14852}{14902}You've heard the best, then.
{14928}{14964}I used to sit in the hotel window all night
{14967}{15016}and just listen to the street musicians.
{15019}{15056}Kid's got it bad.
{15089}{15158}Sid-man, you might as well accept|this man's apology
{15160}{15203}or he's going to talk you all night.
{15205}{15243}I think he might.
{15264}{15339}Some people think Johnny Dodds|is best on clarinet,
{15351}{15384}but I know if you took him|on in a cutting session,
{15386}{15452}- you'd blow him away.|- Now that's butter, Sid.
{15461}{15489}That's so much butter,
{15492}{15557}you could butter all the bread|in Chicago with it.
{15584}{15657}Well, I do hope you accept my apology.
{15685}{15715}You play?
{15776}{15855}Well, I took piano lessons|when I was a kid
{15870}{15907}and I played some ancient flutes,
{15910}{15949}- pan pipes.|- Pan pipes?
{15952}{16004}- Kind of like a flute.|- Anything else?
{16007}{16071}Well, in the army I learned soprano sax.
{16105}{16134}A little. Just...
{16136}{16185}You say soprano sax, huh?
{16188}{16275}Well, I didn't really get to play it much.|I just started, kind of.
{16368}{16437}- You have a soprano sax?|- Yeah.
{16442}{16503}I just picked it up at a pawn shop.
{16505}{16544}Played around with it a little bit,
{16547}{16611}but I think I like|those straightened ones.
{16772}{16833}Good sound|but I can't get enough out of it.
{16836}{16876}Needs a lot of lip.
{16924}{16972}- Give it a try.|- Me?
{16984}{17041}- You said you played.|- Yeah, but...
{17044}{17157}Now, I figured anyone who loved jazz|might want to fool around with playing.
{17187}{17227}Sure. Are you sure?
{17249}{17283}Okay, wow!
{17309}{17360}Maybe someday I can jam with you.
{17579}{17643}Why don't you practice a little bit.
{17645}{17735}Yeah, you hold on to that baby|and play it.
{18308}{18359}So, you guys going to go|check out the club, see who's playing?
{18362}{18422}No, going over to the Four Deuces|to jam.
{18473}{18522}- I bet you guys really smoke, huh?|- Yeah.
{18524}{18570}Man, we sizzle.
{18622}{18726}Man, we sizzle so hot|that the fire department parks outside.
{18728}{18783}Well, I'd sure like to hear that.
{18790}{18851}Don't you got college stuff to do?
{18872}{18920}Well, I'd rather hear you jam.
{18974}{19039}Then you keep your nose clean,|no brawling.
{19059}{19131}You bet. You bet.|My nose will be so clean.
{19316}{19352}I've never been to a speakeasy before.
{19355}{19405}The only difference is that there|when you order a drink,
{19408}{19453}you don't have to call it tea.
{19472}{19511}There she is.
{19544}{19595}Hi, boys. How did it go tonight?
{19597}{19645}- Pretty much the same as usual.|- That cool?
{19648}{19680}- Aren't you coming in?|- Not tonight.
{19683}{19731}Hey, but I'll see you Sunday, though,|all right.
{19734}{19790}- Thanks, CJ.|- Bye, sis.
{19883}{19919}Who is this?
{19949}{20015}Indiana Jones.|I'm a waiter at Colosimo's.
{20017}{20117}The boy who started the fuss|at the Royal at the end of your song.
{20140}{20183}You don't like my singing?
{20186}{20229}No, the fuss had nothing to do|with your singing.
{20232}{20300}- Really. Your singing is fabulous.|- Really? Well...
{20302}{20380}I forgive anyone who thinks|my singing is fabulous.
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