Yoga Asanas.pdf

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good moves
facing dog
Cat Pose
On hands and knees, exhale as you
make a curve in your spine by tucking
your pelvis under and dropping your
head (you’ll look like an angry cat). Pull
your navel in as much as you can.
Cow Pose
As you inhale, reverse the curve in your
back by dropping your stomach toward
the floor as you lift your pelvis, chest,
and face toward the ceiling. Let your
spine be absorbed into your body.
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Maintaining the same tilt in your pelvis
as in the Cow Pose, exhale as you
press your hands firmly into the
ground, and straighten your legs, rais-
ing your pelvis toward the ceiling. Your
heels do not have to touch the ground
but should move in that direction. If
your hamstrings are very tight, bend
your knees slightly so you can main-
tain proper alignment in your back.
Plank Pose
On an inhalation, straighten your body into the top of a push-up position; you’ll
be supported by your hands and toes. Feel the strength of your legs, arms, and
abdominal muscles. Beginners can place their knees on the ground.
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good moves
knees- chest -chin
Knees-Chest-Chin Pose
Exhale and gently lower your knees to
the floor. Reach up and back with your
pelvis as you begin to bend your elbows
up and back. Shift your chest forward
and place it on the floor between your
palms with your chin on the floor. Think
of yourself as an inchworm.
baby cobra
Baby Cobra Pose
Inhale, straighten your torso, and scoop your chest forward and off the floor; arms
should be bent with hands on floor at midchest, providing support. Raise only as
far as you can with your bottom ribs still touching the floor. Keep your shoulders
dropped away from your ears. For a gentler variation, place your forearms on the
ground, with elbows directly under the shoulders.
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good moves
the needle
Child’s Pose
Exhale and press your bottom back onto your heels, stretching
arms forward and resting forehead on the floor. This pose calms the
mind, opens the hips, and massages the abdomen. It is also a good
place to rest for a few breaths, if need be.
Side Bending Easy Pose
Exhale as you cross your ankles behind
you and shift your weight back until you
are sitting in a cross-legged position.
Inhale and lift your right arm. Exhale
and bend to the left. Inhale as you return
to center, dropping your right arm and
lifting your left. Exhale and bend to the
right. Try to keep both hips firmly on the
floor as you bend to each side. Inhale
and return to center, sitting up tall.
Threading the Needle Pose
Inhale and return to your hands and
knees. As you exhale, scoop your right
arm past the inside of your left wrist,
placing your right shoulder on the floor.
Let your belly slide around the left, open-
ing your chest and left arm to the sky.
Inhale as you return to hands and knees,
then exhale as you scoop your left arm
under, twisting to the right. Inhale and
return to hands and knees.
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good moves
Tabletop Pose
As you exhale, place your feet on the floor, hip-distance apart, and put your hands on the
floor behind you, fingertips pointing forward. Inhale and lift your torso, stomach pointed
toward the ceiling. Make sure your knees are aligned above your ankles. (If you’re a begin-
ner, keep your legs crossed and knees on the floor.) Relax your belly and feel the strength
of your back, arms, and legs holding you up. Exhale and return to a cross-legged position.
This pose marks the end of the sequence. On your next inhale, shift your weight forward
onto your hands and knees, and begin again with Cat Pose.
Relaxation Pose
Always end your yoga practice with the Relaxation Pose (also called the Corpse Pose).
Relaxation Pose is considered the most valuable pose in yoga because it allows your body
to assimilate the benefits of all the other poses.
Here’s how to do it: Lie on your back. If you’d like, place a thin pillow
under your head and a bigger one under your knees. Relax your legs;
let your feet fall apart and your toes point away from each other nat-
urally. Your feet should rest slightly wider apart than your hips. Your
arms should be at your sides with the palms facing up—this is the
position that best opens the heart and lungs. Think about relaxing
your skin. Relax your muscles and bones. Relax your breath. And,
finally, relax your mind. Observe your thoughts coming and going, as
if you were watching birds in the sky. Hold the pose for 10 minutes
if you can, and come out of it slowly, rolling onto your right side and
pushing up to a sitting position.
gear guide
Cyndi Recommends
Invest in a sticky yoga mat, which will help you keep your footing
in the postures. (It’s also nice to think of it as your own little magic
carpet that you can use anywhere.)
Good books on the subject include my own, OM Yoga: A Guide
to Daily Practice, as well as Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of
Moving into Stillness by Erich Schiffmann. If you’re interested
in restorative yoga, Relax and Renew by Judith Lasater is a good
resource. For more on the breath, read The Yoga of Breath by
Richard Rosen.
I like to hear music as I practice. My favorite CD is Drala , by the
band of the same name. It’s perfect—hip and inspiring.
We Recommend
Yoga videos are
a great way to
start—or extend—
your practice. Some
good ones: Yoga
Mind and Body with Ali MacGraw and Erich Schiffmann, AM/PM
Yoga with Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden, and—for a more vigor-
ous workout— Total Yoga with Tracey Rich and Ganga White.
To find a class in your area, check the yellow pages under Yoga,
or turn to a Web directory, such as or
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