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Minimalist Health
How to Focus on the Essentials
By Tammy Strobel
Read the blog: RowdyKittens.com
Taking care of your health doesn’t have to be
complicated. You can make the decision to
intentionally structure your life so that both your
physical and emotional health are in top-notch shape.
This short manifesto will cover tips and tools to help
you focus on the essentials.
Your life is your message, so take care of yourself.
You only get one body and one mind. Cultivate both,
be happy and do good.
Minimalist Health | RowdyKittens |Page 2
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is about how we process,
distribute and waste stuff. This process is causing
an incredible number of health problems for
people and Planet Earth.
Think about the stuff you buy and
examine your consumption patterns.
everything and cause a wide range of illnesses.
Illnesses like cancer and even imbalances in
neurological and hormonal systems. These
chemicals are so prevalent that they are even found
in newborn babies.
What steps can you take to clear out your
stuff ? Start with one pile at a time.
Recycle, reuse and donate your excess
The amount of unnecessary waste we generate is
polluting the environment. Consumer culture has
created a mentality of disposability. Consumer
culture is causing major health problems for
individuals and is killing the planet.
Do you know what kinds of toxic
chemicals are in your personal care
products and food? Learn more at The
Annie Leonard recently came out with The Story of
Stuff book . Consider purchasing the book to learn
more about this topic.
Minimalist Health | RowdyKittens |Page 3
Emotional Health
Excess stuff is not only hurting our physical
environment, it is hurting our emotional
health, too. Consumer culture has trapped us
in a cycle of buy, work, spend, repeat. Many
people are on an emotional treadmill and
don’t know why.
For example, writer Ariel Gore saw a therapist
until she realized that what she really wanted
was a clean home. She ended up hiring a
housekeeper and is now happy.
The emotional and monetary cost of stuff is
astounding. Instead of going shopping to
acquire more, purge your excess stuff.
How does all of your excess stuff affect your emotional well-being?
Are you stressed out because of debt?
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Kick Your Addictions
We all have addictions, including driving when we could
easily walk or ride a bike, watching too much television or
obsessively checking email and social networks.
Addictions can dominate and consume our lives. In
addition, they prevent us from taking care of our health.
For example, I’m a recovering car addict. Cars make it
easy to travel long distances and in theory, get places
quickly. But my car and lifestyle were killing me. I was
overweight and depressed. Selling my cars was my
catalyst for change. Thanks to selling my car, I’m healthy,
happy and have learned to take care of my body.
Sit down and make a list of your addictions.
What can you change in your life today? Can you
sell your television? Or go car-free?
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