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{174}{228}"LOS OLVIDADOS"
{1845}{1972}This film is based on true facts.|No character is fictional.
{2398}{2501}Almost every capital|like New York, Paris, London
{2506}{2573}hides, behind its wealth,|poverty-stricken homes
{2578}{2674}where poorly-fed children,|deprived of health or school,
{2682}{2737}are doomed to criminality.
{2742}{2793}Society tries to provide a cure.
{2798}{2862}Success for its efforts|remains very limited.
{2867}{2920}The future is not bound|to the present:
{2925}{3025}The day will come when|children rights are respected.
{3038}{3157}Mexico, large modern city,|is no exception to the rule.
{3162}{3260}This film shows the real life.|It's not optimistic.
{3264}{3369}The solution to this problem is|left to the forces of progress.
{3955}{4014}Don't forget the others!
{4091}{4135}Who wants a cigarette?
{4317}{4337}You smoke?
{4341}{4400}No, that makes me cough.
{4442}{4470}I don't smoke either.
{4475}{4514}What a chicken!
{4540}{4580}I must go to work.
{4593}{4626}Only morons work.
{4630}{4676}Too bad. See you later.
{4681}{4706}How polite you are!
{4710}{4756}Hey!|You know who I've seen?
{4817}{4857}He got away from|the reformatory prison.
{4866}{4913}Who's that, "Ja?bo"?
{5002}{5118}Egg-sandwiches.|Who wants my sandwiches?
{5394}{5440}- One sandwich.|- At once.
{5468}{5505}With gherkins?
{5510}{5551}Put anything you want.
{6107}{6129}As I was telling you,
{6138}{6251}in prison, if you're a wimp,|they beat the shit out of you.
{6256}{6273}They're tough?
{6279}{6340}Yes, but if you're|tougher than them,
{6344}{6398}they respect you.
{6410}{6448}So they didn't bother you.
{6457}{6503}How is the grub?
{6512}{6600}Not bad.|And I took the best bed.
{6605}{6647}But the street is better.
{6652}{6757}That's why I got away|as soon as I had the chance.
{6766}{6836}You were not scared?|If they had caught you...
{6841}{6921}"Ja?bo" fears no one.
{6928}{6985}It's Julian's fault|if they put you in jail?
{6994}{7062}It is. That bloody scared...
{7073}{7118}- Who gives me a cigarette?|- Not me.
{7123}{7158}- Me neither.|- What about you?
{7163}{7202}I've got no more.
{7207}{7252}No cigarette, no dough!
{7266}{7308}Without me, you're no good.
{7313}{7368}But I've learned a lot
{7373}{7427}and if you obey me|we'll all get dough.
{7431}{7462}You're a real tough-guy.
{7467}{7505}We'll do everything you want.
{8383}{8437}I'll sing you a song
{8442}{8523}from the time of|my general Don Porfirio.
{8597}{8639}You can laugh,|but on these days
{8643}{8730}people were more respectful|and women stayed at home.
{8734}{8809}Now they only think|to chase men.
{8904}{8999}This song will cost one peso.
{9011}{9085}I must sing to live.
{9089}{9168}The price of bread rises,|the price of my songs too.
{9173}{9267}This one is from the days of|my general Don Porfirio.
{9334}{9407}A coin of twenty centavos and|one of ten have just fallen.
{9486}{9530}- Here is the blind man.|- Fine.
{9572}{9625}You, "Baldie",|you swipe his bag.
{9630}{9722}You rush and give it to him,|who'll give it back to me.
{9727}{9777}You guys, you wait|where I told you.
{9782}{9807}What if I'm arrested?
{9812}{9855}You drop the "exhibit".
{9860}{9957}Don't get nabbed with it!
{9980}{10021}I know the law!
{10026}{10064}- Move!|- It's OK.
{10183}{10221}- What d'you want?|- Nothing.
{10226}{10270}Let me go then.
{10695}{10740}Keep away, son.
{10745}{10801}Tickle the bull's nostril.
{11831}{11868}Did he hit you hard?
{11890}{11929}He only scratched me.
{11983}{12013}What an asshole!
{12018}{12049}There was a nail|at the end of the stick.
{12054}{12083}It's deep!
{12087}{12141}Ask your mother to nurse you.
{12146}{12218}My mother?! If I go home,|she'll kill me.
{12222}{12285}Mine is a beast too.|That's why I left.
{12457}{12526}Nail pricks are bad.
{12530}{12605}Put a cobweb on it.|It's good against bleeding.
{12610}{12641}Pedro! Bring me one.
{12646}{12707}- I will.|- Hurry up!
{12718}{12772}With that, you get over it|or you lose your paw.
{12948}{13037}Is there a kind soul|to make me cross?
{13047}{13106}Who will have mercy|of a poor blind man?
{13110}{13173}Is there anybody to ...?
{13202}{13244}Why are you crying, my child?
{13250}{13336}My dad told me to wait here|and he doesn't come back.
{13341}{13439}He'll come back soon.|So, help me, I?m blind.
{13444}{13489}You do have small eyes.
{13738}{13797}The less we are, the better.|You guys, wait.
{13802}{13853}We'll "thank" him all right.
{14795}{14889}Feel pity for a poor|defenseless blind man.
{14898}{14930}Take that, bloody blind man!
{15142}{15205}In the head, "Baldie",|in the head!
{15757}{15795}Watch out, or you|gonna break your neck.
{16312}{16341}What do we eat?
{16408}{16457}- What is it?|- Nothing.
{16474}{16517}- Cool, some meat!|- Don't touch it.
{16522}{16601}You've been given meat?|That's impossible!
{16740}{16769}Don't touch it!
{16946}{17021}Where the hell have you been?
{17026}{17069}Over there... Looking for a job.
{17074}{17144}All night long?|Why do you come back?
{17148}{17185}Mum, I?m hungry.
{17190}{17282}I've told you not to come back|if you hang with these punks.
{17287}{17328}You don't realize|I work myself to death
{17333}{17380}washing floors|all day long.
{17466}{17486}I'm hungry!
{17490}{17543}Ask your friends to feed you.
{17752}{17795}Why are you beating me?
{17800}{17842}To teach you a lesson,|ne'er-do-well !
{17847}{17869}You don't love me anymore.
{17874}{17944}It's your fault.
{18725}{18759}It was good!
{18890}{18921}You're not from here?
{18926}{18973}Yes... from the country.
{18978}{19044}If you're a peasant,|you're not from here!
{19048}{19083}Why did you come here?
{19088}{19135}I didn't come,|I've been brought.
{19166}{19185}I don't know.
{19190}{19231}You know nothing!
{19293}{19313}Hi, Pedro!
{19317}{19343}Hi, Julian!
{19348}{19406}You haven't seen my father?
{19484}{19525}I know where he is...
{19606}{19634}What a prick!
{19655}{19704}Now I'm hungrier than before.
{19709}{19738}Have you eaten?
{19767}{19826}- You're hungry?|- A lot.
{19831}{19869}You got money?
{20108}{20146}Come on, Dad.|You can't stand anymore.
{20151}{20194}No. Let me go.
{20199}{20254}You ought to be ashamed.
{20259}{20337}You shouldn't judge your father.
{20341}{20405}l don't judge you, but|you could be hit.
{20410}{20472}- Mum is waiting.|- Let her wait!
{20625}{20692}Don't you get sick of|being drunk every night?
{20697}{20722}Me, drunk?
{20754}{20813}Yes, you are.
{20847}{20884}What a pity!
{20909}{21002}You work yourself to death|to feed us and I...
{21014}{21111}Forgive me, son.|I swear I'll stop drinking.
{21116}{21144}You always say that.
{21149}{21177}This time, it's true.
{21182}{21233}He's so drunk!
{21238}{21269}You got a problem with that?
{21274}{21321}No. Sorry.
{21392}{21445}Your lack of respect|gets on my nerves
{21450}{21476}Here we go again!
{21482}{21533}I'm your father after all!
{21567}{21614}What a drunkard!
{21681}{21757}OK...I'm leaving. Bye.
{22586}{22635}Give me that knife.
{22640}{22677}I'm busy.
{22926}{23017}Here, I?m less worthy than|an animal. Where's Metche?
{23021}{23099}Where are you?|I will die alone!
{23104}{23187}Find your sister to rub her.
{23191}{23212}She'll be back.
{23353}{23381}It's me, "Ja?bo".
{23386}{23456}My stupid brother|always brings bums to us.
{23460}{23522}Wait. We'll talk.
{23558}{23597}But you were in prison?
{23602}{23660}I am where I want to be.|I've escaped.
{23665}{23754}Go away! lf they find you here,|it's gonna hurt.
{23759}{23799}- Want some help?|- No!
{23804}{23865}You've become so pretty|since the last time I saw you.
{23870}{23897}Keep quiet or I scream!
{23902}{23941}OK! Stay calm.
{23985}{24009}I gonna go.
{24014}{24119}Lie down or you're gonna cough|and we won't be able to sleep.
{24298}{24363}I've fought with mum,|I've come to sleep here.
{24368}{24388}Who is it?
{24393}{24433}He was lost,|I felt sorry for him.
{24438}{24484}Come in and be quiet.
{24608}{24650}Mum is waiting for you.
{24672}{24697}Hi, "Ja?bo"!
{24702}{24779}Pedro! Quite a crowd!
{24826}{24862}Who's that guy|with the small eyes?
{24866}{24955}Well... He's "Small Eyes".|I've found him at the market.
{24978}{25024}- You see me?|- Me? No.
{25068}{25117}Why have you brought him?|Beat it!
{25122}{25164}Leave him alone!
{25169}{25197}You don't have any family?
{25202}{25240}He could be a bastard.
{25245}{25273}I have a dad!
{25278}{25299}Where is he?
{25304}{25393}He told me to wait for him|but he didn't come back.
{25398}{25415}He's not from here.
{25419}{25442}We have to go.
{25446}{25522}Don't touch the animals|and be quiet.
{25538}{25583}Good night, Metche.
{25587}{25668}When I'm rich,|I'll marry you.
{25678}{25727}Don't worry about the chickens!
{25748}{25810}He said not to touch the animals,
{25815}{25883}when milk is so good|before going to bed!
{26044}{26134}They haven't left a drop!
{26143}{26173}Look at this one!
{26330}{26412}Leave us alone.|Pedro and I, we're leaving.
{26419}{26450}- Gimme your handkerchief.|- Why?
{26458}{26478}I'll give it back to you.
{26482}{26539}- My throat aches.|- Don't piss me off.
{26542}{26609}You, follow me.|You guys, see you later.
{26719}{26751}What about Julian?
{26778}{26827}-I saw him last night.|- Always at the same place?
{26837}{26885}No. He works at a building site.
{26913}{26948}I'll show you if you want.
{26985}{27017}Let's speak to him.
{27089}{27110}There he is.
{27114}{27170}Tell him I'm here.
{27175}{27216}Be careful, he hits hard.
{27220}{27266}Since he doesn't smoke,|he's never o...
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