Black Crusade - The Tome of Excess.pdf

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Lead Developer
Tim Huckelbery
Licensing & Development Coordinator
Deb Beck
Writing and Development
Kendall Butner, Tim Cox, Matthew Eustace,
Craig Gallant, Lee Gunby, Andy Hall,
Anthony Hicks, Andy Hoare, and Joe Sleboda
Executive Game Designer
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Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Editing and Proofreading
Andrew Kenrick and David Johnson
Christian T. Petersen
Managing RPG Producer
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Special Thanks
Playtest Coordinator Ronald DeValk; “The Librarians” Pim
Mauve with Gerlof Woudstra, Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd
and Joris Voogd; “Unrepentant” Lachlan “Raith” Conley with
Jordan Dixon, Nicole Gillies and Aaron Wong; “Cincinnatus
158th Regiment” Trevor Stamper with Brian Gilkison, John
Olszewski, Michael Hebert, Beth Oliver, Lynn Register, and
Laura Register; “No Guts No Glory!” Adam Lloyd with Ben
Newman, Simon Butler, and Sean Connor; “Veterans of a
Psychic War” Benn Williams with Chris Lancaster, Aric Wieder,
Jessica Williams, Rebecca Williams, and Eric Young.
Graphic Design
WiL Springer
Cover Art
Mathias Kollros
Interior Art
Jacob Atienza, John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Matt Bradbury,
Kevin Chin, Paul Dainton, Vincent Devault, Wayne England,
Diego Gisbert Llorens, Dave Gallagher, Zachary Graves,
David Grifith, Taylor Ingvarsson, Michal Ivan,
Nuala Kinrade, Sam Lamont, Clint Langley,
Mark Molnar, Marco Morte, Neil Roberts,
Adrian Smith, Stephen Somer, and Ben Zweifel.
G ames W orkshop
Licensing Managers
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and Strategic Projects
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Art Direction
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Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
© Games Workshop Limited 2013. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000 , Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Black Crusade , the foregoing marks’ respective
logos, The Tome of Excess , and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations,
weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer 40,000 universe and the Black Crusade game setting
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ISBN: 978-1-61661-661-8 Product Code: BC06 Print ID: 1576APR13
Printed in China
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What’s in this Book? ..............................................................4
Chapter I: Slaanesh
The Birth of Sublime Torment ..............................................6
Sensation Without Limitations ..............................................7
The Path of Temptation .........................................................8
Servants of Sensation ........................................................... 12
Daemons ............................................................................. 13
Mortals ................................................................................ 16
Myriad Excesses ................................................................... 19
Slaanesh and the Long War ................................................ 22
Chapter II: Slaves to Sensation
For the Glory of Chaos ....................................................... 25
Noise Marine ........................................................................ 28
Dark Apostle ......................................................................... 30
Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix ..................................... 32
Flesh Shaper of Melancholia .............................................. 34
Excessive Armoury ............................................................... 36
Ranged Weapons ............................................................... 36
Melee Weapons .................................................................. 37
Wargear and Equipment ................................................... 39
Drugs and Consumables ................................................... 41
Minions of Slaanesh: The Saboteurs of Alcia ................ 42
Living Mounts .................................................................... 44
Expanded Minions ............................................................... 47
Expanded Rites and Rituals ................................................ 53
Chapter III: Princes of Pain
Social Encounters ................................................................. 60
Social Conlict Rules ......................................................... 62
Talents and Traits ............................................................... 63
Expanding the Scope ........................................................ 68
Expanded Infamy Rules ...................................................... 70
Glorifying Acts ................................................................... 70
The Art of Seduction ......................................................... 73
Infamous Acquisitions ....................................................... 75
Realms Beyond Sensation .................................................. 77
Contrition ........................................................................... 78
Ghibelline ........................................................................... 84
Malignia .............................................................................. 90
Mammon ............................................................................. 97
Melancholia ......................................................................101
The Gates of Moment .....................................................105
The Forbidden Portal ......................................................110
The Islands of the Ragged Helix ...................................115
Chapter IV: At the Edge
The GM’s Brief ...................................................................122
Adventure Plot .................................................................122
Part I: Kneel Before Pseudanor .......................................125
The Fief of the Liberator ................................................126
The Liberator’s Court ......................................................127
Locations ...........................................................................129
Part II: The Six Delights of Slaanesh ..............................132
Mastering the Six Delights of Slaanesh ......................132
Part III: Confrontation! .....................................................138
NPC Appendix ...................................................................141
Map ......................................................................................143
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“You believe there are limits to existence. My god shows me otherwise,
and in his service I have known realms where indescribable pleasure
and pain become as one. Come, let me show you...”
limitless. In the pages that follow, Heretics can discover new
methods to seduce foes into their service and sway masses
into ecstatic slavery, along with new devices and implements
to aid them in their journeys beyond sensation.
This chapter covers the Prince of Pleasure and Pain, youngest of the
Chaos Gods who came into existence as the Eldar fell to their own
excesses. Slaanesh now acts as that dying race’s eternal nemesis,
ready to devour their souls with endless torment. From his layered
realm within the Warp, each domain a trap for travellers without
the will and strength to withstand the unique temptations it offers,
he entices mortals across the stars with pleasure unendurable and
pain unquenchable. Few can resist his call.
–Lascivoux the Devourer,
Sensati Extremis of the Barbed League
A ll beings require sensation to know their surroundings,
but the truly aware realise that life without sensation is
worse than death. For those who exist for sensation, the
normal limits of life become meaningless in the pursuit of greater
and greater stimuli. The caress of silk becomes an obsession
with touch, such that the slightest whisper of dust motes is a
ganglionic symphony. Appreciation of ine amasec leads from
one savoury morsel to another, and on to quests for unspeakable
gastronomic appetites requiring entire populations to provide the
rendered ingredients. Slowly an ear for a well-tuned violone is no
longer enough, and as devotion to auditory experiences grows
then only harmonics that shatter reality can sufice. As excesses
are breached, nothing can sate these heavier appetites for long,
however, and soon nothing exists except the quest for further
sensation. Lives such as these are bound, either knowingly or
unknowingly, in the service of the Chaos God Slaanesh.
Slaanesh is the personiication of excess. In
his name, hosts degrade entire worlds with
unspeakable rites and warlords seduce systems
with honeyed promises of unimaginable
essences. His own appearance is beyond limits,
existing as both male and female, always the
epitome of impossible beauty and desire
no matter who gazes upon his form. His
followers exist only to seek out new perfections
of sensation, and to make themselves perfect
to better achieve such sensations. The more
perfect the artist, the better he can fully admire unnatural
colours that cause eyes to boil and shrivel. Only the inest of
assassins can appreciate the tortured gasps of a betrayed noble as
the knife slowly twists. None but a devoted master of the blade
knows the bliss as lesh slices apart under his exquisite riposte.
All these and more are mere steps along a path that requires more
and more with each sensory attainment. To know ultimates is to
realise there are no ultimates, only increasing tiers of perception
and the search of perfection to fully appreciate them. Their
frantic journeys can have no end except for that which lays
waiting them within the Warp: Slaanesh.
Heretics are offered four new Player Archetypes in this
chapter: Noise Marine, Dark Apostle, Pirate Prince of the
Ragged Helix, and Flesh Shaper of
Melancholia. It also includes new
armoury items to offer delights
and depravations for both the
Heretic and his foes, expanded
rules for seducing and controlling
even more powerful minions, and new
Rites and Rituals for beseeching the
Dark Prince for succour, including extended
modiiers to aid in such endeavours.
Here players gain new rules for social encounters
and expanded Interaction guidelines, so that they can
achieve their aims before their enemies know open war has
begun. It also includes new rules for utilising, earning, and
losing Infamy in their ascent to Daemonhood. This chapter
features new destinations within the Screaming Vortex related
to Slaanesh and his followers, such as blasphemous Mammon,
the Daemon World of Contrition, Malignia’s death-jungles,
and the Forbidden Portal and its deadly guardians.
As the Heretics gain in power and infamy, they turn their
attentions to gaining the support of the pirate clans of the
Ragged Helix to further their quest of escape from the
Vortex. This adventure takes them to the pleasure palaces
and depraved lords of this asteroid chain, where the players
seek out necessary aid to prepare their own Black Crusade
against the hated Imperium. Such aid cannot be won with
sword and blood, however, and requires enticement and
persuasion of a more subtle but no less dangerous approach.
Should the players attain the aid of the pirate lord, their
goals become one step closer; should they fail, they might
remain as slaves in his sensory-dens forever.
T he T ome of e xcess is the third of four books delving into the
darkest secrets of the four Chaos powers and their role in the
B lack c rusade roleplaying game. It is devoted to Slaanesh,
the Dark Prince. Brought into life through the fall of the
decadent and prideful xenos race known as the Eldar, he is
the Lord of Excess, and the pursuit of perfection and sensory
gratiications in all things. For his debauched followers across
the Screaming Vortex there are no boundaries in experience,
and their eagerness to draw others into his worship is equally
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