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language and skills test 1a

/20 points

Name:………………………………………………………………………….                            Score:                           

Test 3b              Szkoła              Testy Słownictwo

1              Uzupełnij poniższe zdania słowami z ramki. Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

canteen        corridor        foreign        glue        laboratory        playground

rubber        subject        term        timetable



1               I really enjoy learning ___________ languages.

2               Josie’s in the ___________ having her lunch.

3               Write in pencil and use a ___________ if you make a mistake.

4               What’s your favourite ____________ at school?

5               We can’t go to the ____________ today at break time because it’s raining.

6               Stick the two pieces of paper together with the ____________.

7               There will be exams before the end of ___________.

8               Great. We’ve got Science in the ___________ next lesson.


8 points


2              Uzupełnij poniższy tekst, wpisując jedno słowo w każdą lukę. Pierwsze litery brakujących słów zostały podane.

My sister Amy loves computers so 1 I ___________ T ___________ is her favourite lesson at school. She also likes 2 G ____________ because she enjoys learning about other countries. She’s not very good at remembering dates, that’s why she doesn’t like 3 H__________. She’s not a very good student. She is sometimes 4 l___________ for school and she doesn’t always
5 t___________ notes when the teacher is talking.


5 points







3              Połącz podane wyrazy w logiczną i poprawną całość.

A                            B

1              £              do your              a               students

2              £              belong to              b               best             

3              £              hand              c               a club

4              £              motivate              d               attention

5              £              take              e               an exam

6              £              cheat in              f               the register

7              £              pay              g               in homework


7 points







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