Treating Yourself- Medical Marijuana - Marco Rendo - Issue 5 (Part 1).pdf

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Medical Marijuana
Issue 5
USA $5.99 / CAN $6.99
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I’ve subsequently been arrested and am before the courts for this
act of compassion. As a result is no longer
able to provide marijuana to the hundreds of patients it once
helped so much. It’s with this in mind that I’ve decided to refocus
some of my actions in the marijuana culture. TY will remain a pre-
dominantly “medical” marijuana website whose goal is to edu-
cate on the responsible use of marijuana as it applies to medicine;
however, there’ll be a more concerted effort given to the consoli-
dation of many pro-marijuana websites and interest groups, with
a goal to coordinate all of our efforts with regards to the issues of
I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my hand in welcome to
all respectable, responsible marijuana users. I‘d like to see a con-
certed effort on behalf of all respectable, responsible marijuana
users worldwide, helping in the effort to abolish prohibition! As
individual interest groups we’re at the mercy and whim of the gov-
erning bodies of the world; however, if we were to unite and begin
to demonstrate to the world that we’re responsible and
respectable members of society the choice will be clear:
Marijuana must be made fully legal to any and all who have
reached the age of majority! The time has come for our govern-
ments and lawmakers worldwide to abolish the immoral prohibi-
tion of an innocuous flower! The time has come to realize that we
are not “potheads” or “stoners.” Far from it!
We are taxpayers; we go to work every day; we are employed in
every walk of life. People who use marijuana range from janitors
to judges, barbers to doctors. Yes, even a good number of our
police use marijuana! I personally know a Canadian army veteran
who self-medicated with marijuana through most of his active
service career following a botched back surgery; he was well
liked by his fellow soldiers and had the respect of his supervisors
throughout his entire career, hardly what you’d call a “pothead”
or “stoner.”
About the Founder
and a Mission
M y name is Marco Renda. I’m 46 years old. I’ve been
suffering from Hep C for about 23 years now. Since
2003 I’ve been licensed by Health Canada to pos-
sess marijuana for medicinal reasons. It’s my goal
to provide medical marijuana users with informa-
tion to assist them in their use of medical marijuana, from acquir-
ing seeds to growing their own. Treating Yourself supports the
removal of all penalties for the private possession and responsi-
ble use of marijuana by adults, including cultivation and casual
nonprofit transfers of small amounts. Our website is the world’s largest and most compassion-
ate medicinal marijuana website to date. We at first began our journey into the marijuana
culture by providing free, quality marijuana seeds to those in
need. We then expanded our compassion to include the ability to
supply medical-grade marijuana for free or at a hugely reduced
price to qualified medicinal patients around the world.
This is just one story in perhaps a million or more in Canada alone!
Yet the facts remain the same: We still face prohibition; we are still
unjustly locked up; we can still have our lives ruined—all because
the propaganda machine is kept well oiled and fine-tuned! It’s our
duty to throw sand in those gears! It’s our duty to dismantle this
ponderous loathsome machine! The only way to achieve this is to
“walk the walk” and “talk the talk.” We, the marijuana consumers
of the world, must show the lawmakers that we do not cause
It’s long past due that we remove the stigma that’s attached to
marijuana. To date, there are hundreds of legal marijuana users in
Canada who’d rather not be known by the public. Not for fear of
being ripped off. No. They’d rather remain anonymous because
society has allowed the stigmatism of “pothead” and “stoner” to
This practice soon proved to be the undoing of a very good thing.
TY Issue 5
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continue, they don’t want to be harassed by police for their legal
gardens, and they don’t want their professional careers to be inter-
fered with. All they really want is to be allowed to live a more pain-
free PRODUCTIVE life! There are literally hundreds of thousands
more that use marijuana as a relaxant to help manage stress,
because stress kills!
Even for the social user marijuana’s used at parties and other gath-
erings, much in the same way that alcohol’s used, with far less
addicting effects and without the morning-after hangover.
Marijuana is, of course, among the most benign of the so-called
“party drugs.” Far greater threats can be found in crack cocaine and
crystal meth!
To suggest that the ingesting of a plant such as marijuana should
carry with it the shame of a criminal record and the possible
destruction of any future career opportunities—or even the ability
to freely travel about the globe—is, in fact, a shame and crime
against the RESPONSIBLE and RESPECTABLE marijuana consumers
of the world!
NA! We must remove the crim-
inal element from marijuana.
To do this it must be legal
for anyone to grow and use
marijuana that is at or above
the age of consent!”
WE MUST LEGALIZE MARIJUANA! We must remove the criminal ele-
ment from marijuana. To do this it must be legal for anyone to grow
and use marijuana that is at or above the age of consent! By remov-
ing the archaic laws that continue to prohibit the free use of this
wondrous herb we would free up billions of dollars currently being
eaten up by police agencies around the globe in an effort to stamp
out a relatively harmless plant! By doing so our fine police officers
would be able to concentrate on ending the threat of far more dan-
gerous and insidious addictive drugs.
In closing I would like to reiterate that THERE IS A BETTER WAY! The
government needs to hear your voice! Send your thoughts to your
local MP. Do not be afraid; only criminals need to be afraid! You are
simply pursuing your rights! The future is in your hands, so shape it
wisely. Someday your health may hang in the balance!
On behalf of myself, and all of the members of Treating Yourself, I
wish you good health and good grows.
TY Issue 5
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