TACFIT Warrior 4 Day Diet Book HIRES.pdf

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Until you've mastered the basics (the 5S’s),
distrust what you think is your “intuition” -
because it’s often cloaked in habit and
addition. Cells addict to sugar; so, what your
body feels are habitual impulses of fast-
burning fuel addiction rather than a clear
signal of your nutrient needs. Obeying your
cravings (including "cheat" days) is like giving
a junky what he craves most: another hit.
Routinize for several months to clear the
noise (habit) from the signal (intuition.)
Most diets that are on the market only work as long as you follow them. They’re ultimately
time-bombs waiting for you to fall off the wagon. The TACFIT 4 Day Diet is however not
intended to be permanent. It’s intended to transition your cells from burning sugar to burning
fat. This is also why other diets fail. Because they don’t transition your biochemistry, and as
a result, you backslide.
To develop routine, follow the 5S Diet: no
sweets, no seconds, no snacks, no simples,
no stimulants. No sugar or substitutes, no
second helpings, no snacks between meals,
no simple carbs, and no artificial energy
chemicals. The 5S Diet allows me to train 3X/
day without any change in energy. You’ll be in
in high gear all day long without any crashes
and sleep like a baby every night, once this
becomes routine.
In addition, other diets focus on creating a pattern within you, habits. There are only two
kinds of dietary habits: bad ones and unhealthy ones. We were not meant to eat in patterns.
Although we have digital age nervous systems, we have stone age biochemistry. To even
stimulate the immune system, we must add stress, or become vulnerable. But too much
stress, without sufficient time for adaptation, and our immune system breaks down. There
must be variation, but only after a period of adaptation to the new food.
- Scott Sonnon
We are the culmination of 3 things: our food, our movement and our thoughts.
The type of exercise you do, the attitudes you hold under intensity, combines with your
relationship to food . These three things are bound together and cannot be separated. As a
result, the 4 Day Diet, the 4 Day Intensity Wave, and the interwoven positive psychological
elements in Warrior are 100% crucial for your total, sustainable success.
an RMAX International Production
Remember, this “diet” is intended to reclaim your intuitive awareness of what your body
actually needs on a day to day basis, rather than what your cells have become adapted to
craving for immediate energy. It is the vehicle, not the journey. Remain flexible, open and
forgiving... and you will develop consistency, discipline and tenacity.
RMAX International | PO BOX 501388, Atlanta, GA 31150 USA | phone 1.678.867.RMAX (7629) | fax 1.678.867.7676
TACFIT® is a registered mark of Sconik International, LLC
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We were irrefutably meant to eat locally, seasonally and organically.
Eat Locally : Locally in terms of most recently harvested, butchered. Less preservatives - hopefully none. Closest
to being "live" food. The longer a food is "dead" - the more "inert" the organic material. When you're eating food
from overseas, or even the other coast, you're ingesting preservatives (which "preserve" your fat calories as well
and have less opportunity for nutritive release) and you're ingesting mostly inert matter.
Eat Seasonally : Seasonal regards the impact that changing weather conditions and climates have upon our
performance and behavior, and as a result upon our biochemistry. For example, winters are difficult to eat like
summers because of the cold; and vice-versa. In a location where seasons are limited or even non-existent, look to
the eating behaviors of cultures who exist in mono-seasonal environments.
Eat Organically : Organic regards lack of preservatives and "food intensification" chemicals - such as bovine
growth hormone to state an obvious example. For me the politics of what constitutes "organic" is a moot point,
because we primarily eat from the public market from local produce. It costs more, but we can't afford to not pay
more since our health is our primary premium - personally and professionally.
To get back to that point where eating as we evolved to eat, will require transition though, and it’s not going to be
easy. It’s like trying to convince a smoker, who loves smoking, how much greater his quality of life would be if he
just gave it up cold-turkey. Logically it makes sense; however, the reality is that his cells have become addicted to
the nicotine and convince him otherwise. The goal of transitioning your biochemistry from a sugar-burning to a fat-
burning machine is not only to turn you into a fat incinerator, but also to return accurate intuition as to your body’s
needs, rather than merely the phantom cravings of your cells’ addiction to sugars.
Once you complete the four (or five, if you start with the Lite Program) 28 Day TACFIT Warrior Missions, you’ll
be free to eat what you need whenever you need it. You will have fully converted your cells to burning slow-
burning fuels, rather than living from one fix to the next of fast-burning fuels.
Burning off the Top of the Tank
Most people eat like filling a gas tank. Drive a bit, and then top off the tank. Drive a little
more, and top off the tank again. You never empty the tank, and as a result, sediment
starts to settle: leading to diminished performance, decay and break-down.
You only keep burning off the top of the tank. But this is where the metaphor fails.
Though we treat food as fuel, it’s not.
Food Is Not Merely Fuel.
Eating is a hormonal event, not merely an electrical one (based on calories). A fuel-based
diet cannibalizes your body.
The TACFIT 4 Day Diet seeks to increase sustainable, recuperative foods to displace
cellular craving for fast burning sugars as primary fuel
Eat for Tomorrow and Yesterday; not for Today!
Most people perform well in spite of their nutrition rather than because of it.
Because they eat for TODAY only. Eating for today is a biochemical addiction which burns sugars instead of fats.
And if you’re only ever burning what you’re immediately in-taking, you never get to the long-term storage.
Most people eat for today’s energy, like topping off the tank. As a result, they’re neither able to keep the benefits of
yesterday’s work, but they’re not able to prepare for tomorrow’s either.
Food is for rebuilding (from yesterday) and building (for tomorrow).
When it comes to exercise, the recovery period is where the growth happens. Not during the work. This is why
people can work very hard, and even get temporary results, but then develop boredom, aches and pains, and
eventually injuries and illnesses. They’re breaking down the body, but failing to rebuild it (from yesterday’s work)
and pre-build it (for tomorrow’s.)
The body produces its own fuels. We don’t need to top off the tank. We have an endogenous (internally produced)
energy source, which we can’t tap into until we convert ourselves from an addictive dependency upon exogenous
(externally taken) fast-burning fuels.
So, we need to get to the bottom of the tank; we need to clean it; and we need to rebuild it with an alternative
energy source: fat.
Don’t Wear your Carbohydrates!
Most people over-eat simple carbohydrates (pastas, sweets, breads, junk snacks like potato chips) which convert
into glucose; then transported around your body and fueling your brain. However, when you transition simple carbs
(glucose) out of your diet, your insulin drops.
When insulin falls, the liver begins to turn glycogen stores into glucose; that happens at the same time as fatty
acids are being released from fat cells from the same stimulus. Glucagon stimulates glycogen and fat stores to
release when these glucose levels fall, unlocking the body’s endogenous energy reserves.
Although you’re eating what you will need for the exercise you’re doing that day, you’re eating it a day in advance,
since you’ll only be calling upon it during the recovery period after the work is long-over. This is much different
than eating to fuel a workout, or as a post-workout snack to deal with your jitters: which only perpetuates the
addiction to fast-burning sugars.
You eat today what you’ll be using tomorrow (during recovery) from today’s work. Sugar-burners eat for the work;
fat-burners eat for the recovery.
The goal of an effective diet is to prime the 3 metabolic pathways for optimal energy and health.
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