Web Design for Developers.pdf

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What Readers Are Saying About Web Design for Developers
This is the book I wish I had had when I started to build my first web-
site. It covers web development from A to Z and will answer many of
your questions while improving the quality of the sites you produce.
Shae Murphy
CTO, Social Brokerage
As a web developer, I thought I knew HTML and CSS. This book
helped me understand that even though I may know the basics,
there’s more to web design than changing font colors and adding
Mike Weber
Web application developer
If you’re ready to step into the wonderful world of web design,
this book explains the key concepts clearly and effectively. The
comfortable, fun writing style makes this book as enjoyable as it is
Jeff Cohen
Founder, Purple Workshops
This book has something for everyone, from novice to experienced
designers. As a developer, I found it extremely helpful for my day-to-
day work, causing me to think before just putting content on a page.
Chris Johnson
Solutions developer
From conception to launch, Mr. Hogan offers a complete experience
and expertly navigates his audience though every phase of develop-
ment. Anyone from beginners to seasoned veterans will gain valuable
insight from this polished work that is much more than a technical
Neal Rudnik
Web and multimedia production manager, Aspect
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This book arms application developers with the knowledge to help
blur the line that some companies place between a design team and a
development team. After all, just because someone is a “coder” doesn’t
mean he or she can’t create an attractive and usable site.
Jon Kinney
Ruby on Rails architect, Avastone Technologies
Web Design for Developers emphasizes practical, easy-to-master tech-
niques. Achieving a professional look is possible, even by those whose
idea of symmetry is a balanced set of curly braces.
Craig Castelaz
Principle software engineer, at a mind-boggling immense
software company
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Web Design for Developers
A Programmer’s Guide
to Design Tools and Techniques
Brian P. Hogan
The Pragmatic Bookshelf
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dallas, Texas
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