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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Betweem a Ridge and a Hard Place
Copyright © 2008 by Annmarie McKenna
ISBN: 978-1-60504-032-5
Edited by Sasha Knight
Cover by Angela Waters
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: June 2008
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Between a Ridge and a Hard Place
Annmarie McKenna
To the Playground for helping me get back on track. J Thanks!
Chapter One
“How sweet. Little Morgan thinks she has a chance in hell of getting Ridge’s attention. You know
those clothes won’t make a damn bit of difference, don’t you?”
Morgan Crenshaw clenched her jaw. It was all she could do not to slap the smug look off Amy
Lee’s face.
“He doesn’t go for ho,” Amy Lee continued.
Oh, that was rich coming from someone who wasn’t dressed much different. Amy Lee had gone
too far. Yes, the skirt was mini and the top, well, she’d call it formfitting, but she did not look like a
ho. Did she?
Amy Lee gave a contemptuous sniff as if she were better than everyone and flipped her long hair
off her shoulder with the backs of her fingers. Morgan started to rise only to stop dead when her
boss’s business partner, Carter, crossed between her desk and Amy Lee, saving the other woman
from Morgan’s desire to strangle her.
“Sweet, Morg.” Carter paused at her desk and took in her outfit. “Like the new duds. You get hit
by the make-over fairy last night?”
“Something like that,” she muttered and slumped back in her chair. Amy Lee’s snort nearly had her
getting back up.
“Bitch,” she said to Amy Lee’s retreating back.
A few seconds later the outer office was empty. The prissy woman who thought she was God’s
gift to men had finally gone back to her own workstation and Carter—one of the owners of the
architectural firm, Malone and Casey, where she worked as the other owner’s PA—had sequestered
himself in his office.
She had to get to the task at hand and not let Amy Lee get the better of her. Today was
announcement day for a bid they’d put in for the design of the Honor Center and there was plenty to
do for when they won it. She was sure they would. Losing those last two bids had to have been a
fluke, even in this uber-competitive business.
Morgan took a moment to collect herself, sucked in a deep breath and tried to clear away the
ugliness that was Amy Lee. As if she wasn’t already self-conscious enough about the outfit. Her
sweaty palms itched. She wiped them on the short, short skirt she wouldn’t normally be caught dead
in. Jeans and a T-shirt were more her style, but since her tomboyish clothes hadn’t caught the attention
of a certain hardheaded man, she’d had to branch out.
She wiggled in her seat, shut her eyes and inhaled again. How the hell did women wear this kind
of underwear? She smiled. Maybe this was why Amy Lee always looked like she had a stick up her
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