Game.of.Thrones.S02E07.HDTV.XviD-MGD (2).txt

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{12}{53}"From this time|until the end of time,
{56}{152}we are the free and independent|Kingdom of the North."
{154}{200}You'll give the Starks|our reply, cousin?
{202}{231}I will, Your Grace.
{233}{277}Did you see my brother when you|were the Starks' guest?
{280}{327}I did.
{330}{369}Tell him he's not|been forgotten.
{481}{523}I'll do it.
{525}{564}Come, brothers.|We'll leave him to it.
{566}{609}Be quick about it.
{662}{723}I've yielded Winterfell|to Prince Theon.
{725}{773}All of you should do|as he commands.
{776}{824}Betray me and you will|wish you hadn't.
{827}{859}All hail the king.
{896}{947}Who threw that?
{969}{1028}Get back!
{1166}{1208}You're all right now, little bird.|You're all right.
{1211}{1251}Your brothers desert you?
{1253}{1313}- We'll stop here.|- Think they're out looking for you?
{1426}{1479}What might this be?|Let's go.
{1524}{1559}Amory Lorch.|Now!
{1561}{1610}A man will do|what must be done.
{1720}{1778}I have something for you|from Prince Theon.
{1922}{1976}When I came to this city,|I had nothing.
{1978}{2046}Today I am the richest|man in Qarth
{2048}{2092}with no regrets.
{2145}{2216}Where are they?|Where are my dragons?!
{2487}{2581}<font color=#00FF00>??? Game of Thrones 2x07 ???</font>|<font color=#00FFFF>A Man Without Honor</font>
{5375}{5418}A cripple?
{5421}{5490}You let a cripple escape?
{5517}{5556}The boy can't walk,
{5558}{5605}but somehow|he slipped past you?
{5607}{5692}The giant must have|took him.
{5694}{5749}The giant?
{5834}{5895}Oh, well,|that's all right, then.
{5898}{5979}You let a halfwit|escape with a cripple.
{5982}{6026}And Rickon, too?|The little one?
{6028}{6111}Gone along with|the wildling woman,
{6114}{6175}the one you were fucking.
{6629}{6732}Right, get the horses|and the hounds.
{6792}{6844}Come on, find the scent.
{6960}{7012}Come on,|where they going?
{7375}{7413}Enjoying|your first hunt?
{7415}{7490}So far, hunting seems very similar|to riding, My Lord.
{7493}{7526}With hunting,|there's blood at the end.
{7529}{7573}They're little boys.
{7575}{7608}I was a little boy|when I was torn away from
{7610}{7654}my home and brought here.
{7657}{7694}So I kept my word.
{7696}{7741}I never ran away.
{7743}{7818}If I find them soon enough,|I won't hurt them.
{7848}{7914}Well, I'll hurt them,|but I won't kill them.
{7916}{7987}Those boys are of far more value|to you alive than dead.
{7990}{8036}They have no value|to me missing.
{8038}{8098}Robb will have sent a force|to retake Winterfell by now.
{8100}{8175}Robb's in the Riverlands.|My sister's in Deepwood Motte.
{8178}{8241}She'll get here|long before they do.
{8243}{8305}And Ned Stark always|said 500 men could hold
{8307}{8343}Winterfell against 10,000.
{8346}{8414}We have a scent!
{8417}{8478}The hounds have the scent.
{8480}{8538}Come, Maester,|don't look so grim.
{8541}{8607}It's all just a game.
{8975}{9015}We should have|took more food.
{9018}{9067}We couldn't risk|going to the kitchens.
{9070}{9103}Those people|all love you.
{9106}{9138}They would have given|you whatever you needed.
{9140}{9182}And if Theon found out,|he'd hang them.
{9185}{9256}- The boy can't survive on walnuts.|- I'm fine.
{9294}{9358}We've been walking|since before sunrise.
{9360}{9417}- Even Hodor will tire.|- Hodor.
{9419}{9490}- Even you, sweet giant.|-  Hodor.
{9582}{9628}Wait, I know that farm.
{9630}{9696}I sent those two|Winterfell orphans there.
{9698}{9743}Jack and Billy.
{9745}{9786}They'll give us some food.
{9788}{9812}We can't risk it.
{9814}{9853}If Theon tracks us here,|he'll torture them
{9855}{9901}until he finds out|where we are.
{9903}{9959}Billy climbs a tree|better than anyone.
{9962}{10002}You've never seen me|climb a tree, little man.
{10004}{10062}They'll be after us|with hounds.
{10065}{10101}We got a good start|on them,
{10103}{10161}but we can't outrun|hounds forever.
{10762}{10836}Did you pull a knife|on me in the night?
{11077}{11115}What's the matter?
{11117}{11161}Can't be the first time|you pressed your bone
{11163}{11201}against a woman's ass.
{11253}{11297}Let's move.
{11438}{11493}Oh, it is|the first time.
{11515}{11569}How old are you, boy?
{11571}{11637}I'm a man|of the Night's Watch.
{11678}{11748}You're a boy who's|never been with a girl.
{11837}{11876}Don't your stones|start to hurt
{11878}{11938}if your bone|never gets--
{11941}{11990}Don't call them that.
{11992}{12070}What, stones?
{12072}{12110}Or bone?
{12434}{12474}I heard they get|all swollen
{12476}{12530}and bruised if you|don't use them.
{12533}{12574}Of course, maybe that's|just what the lads say
{12576}{12638}when they want me|feeling sorry for them.
{12640}{12696}As if I'd feel|sorry for them.
{12718}{12782}Are there|no girl crows?
{12814}{12872}There are no women|of the Night's Watch, no.
{12874}{12922}So the lads just do it|with each other?
{12970}{13029}- Never?|- Never.
{13031}{13091}We swore an oath.
{13093}{13149}You have sheep|at the Wall?
{13201}{13248}With your hands, then?
{13250}{13324}No wonder|you're all so miserable.
{13326}{13360}Would you please shut up?
{13362}{13414}Would you please shut up?
{13440}{13498}You think you're|better than me, crow.
{13500}{13559}- I'm a free woman--|- You're a free woman?
{13562}{13614}I might be your prisoner,|but I'm a free woman.
{13617}{13662}If you're my prisoner,|you're not a free woman.
{13664}{13701}That's what|"prisoner" means.
{13703}{13753}And you think you're free?
{13778}{13823}You swore|some stupid oath
{13826}{13859}and now you can never|touch a girl.
{13862}{13919}It was my choice|to say the words.
{13922}{13965}- So you don't like girls?|- Of course I like girls.
{13967}{14013}But you chose|never to touch them.
{14015}{14078}That's the price you pay if you want|to be a man of the Night's Watch.
{14081}{14123}So instead of getting|naked with a girl,
{14126}{14161}you'd prefer|to invade our lands--
{14163}{14202}Invade your lands?
{14204}{14249}Wildlings raid|our lands all the time.
{14251}{14319}Some of them tried to kill my|little brother, a crippled boy!
{14322}{14367}They're not your lands!
{14370}{14417}We've been here|the whole time.
{14419}{14463}You lot came along|and just put up a big wall
{14465}{14502}and said it was yours.
{14505}{14566}My father was Ned Stark.
{14569}{14614}I have the blood|of the First Men.
{14617}{14694}My ancestors lived here,|same as yours.
{14750}{14801}So why are you|fighting us?
{15185}{15236}Go on.
{15354}{15416}Now I want you|to tell me what happened.
{15418}{15495}- Come on, this way.
{15519}{15582}Come on, speak up.|Speak up.
{15774}{15834}a rare substance.
{15836}{15893}This is no common assassin.
{15895}{15945}We hanged 20 men|last night.
{15947}{16013}I don't care|if you hanged 100.
{16015}{16050}A man tried to kill me.
{16052}{16099}I want his name|and I want his head.
{16102}{16135}We think it was|an infiltrator
{16138}{16204}from the Brotherhood|Without Banners.
{16206}{16271}Pretentious name|for a band of outlaws.
{16274}{16334}We can't allow rebels|behind our lines
{16336}{16384}to harass us|with impunity.
{16386}{16435}We look like fools|and they look like heroes.
{16438}{16478}That's how kings fall.
{16480}{16530}I want them dead,|every one.
{16533}{16574}Killing them|isn't the problem.
{16576}{16621}It's finding them.
{16623}{16676}Have you gone soft,|Clegane?
{16678}{16727}I always thought you had|a talent for violence.
{16730}{16814}Burn the villages,|burn the farms.
{16817}{16872}Let them know what it means|to choose the wrong side.
{16970}{17020}Is that mutton?
{17022}{17057}Yes, My Lord.
{17059}{17097}Don't like mutton.
{17121}{17167}I'll bring|something else.
{17169}{17219}Leave it.
{17249}{17302}- Are you hungry?|- No.
{17305}{17342}Of course you are.
{17382}{17458}I'll eat|in the kitchen later.
{17461}{17559}It's bad manners|to refuse a Lord's offer.
{17750}{17782}You're small for your age.
{17818}{17868}I suppose you've been|underfed your whole life.
{17870}{17910}I eat a lot.
{17912}{17988}- I just don't grow.|- Hmm.
{18067}{18159}This will be my last war,
{18162}{18213}win or lose.
{18238}{18286}Have you ever|lost before?
{18288}{18360}Do you think I'd be in my position|if I had lost a war?
{18523}{18615}But this is the one|I'll be remembered for.
{18617}{18680}The "War of Five Kings"|they're calling it.
{18718}{18790}My legacy will be determined|in the coming months.
{18834}{18896}Do you know|what legacy means?
{18944}{19004}It's what you pass down|to your children
{19007}{19086}and your children's|children.
{19088}{19161}It's what remains of you|when you're gone.
{19251}{19327}Harren the Black thought this castle|would be his legacy.
{19365}{19430}The greatest fortress|ever built--
{19432}{19515}the tallest towers,|the strongest walls.
{19518}{19601}The Great Hall|had 35 hearths.
{19603}{19677}35. Can you imagine?
{19679}{19719}Look at it now--
{19747}{19791}a blasted ruin.
{19827}{19863}Do you know|what happened?
{19922}{20019}Yes, dragons happened.
{20078}{20186}Harrenhal was built to withstand|an attack from the land.
{20243}{20311}A million men could have marched|on these walls
{20313}{20368}and a million men|would have been repelled.
{20371}{20503}But an attack from the air|with dragon fire-- mm.
{20506}{20586}Harren and all his sons|roasted alive within these walls.
{20588}{20705}Aegon Targaryen|changed the rules.
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