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Special Thanks
Dave Gross; Gavin Halldorson and his Carrion Crown
Playtesters; and the Paizo Customer Service, Warehouse,
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Carrion Crown Player’s Guide . © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Mark Moreland.
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Carrion Crown Player’s Guide . © 2011, All Rights Reserved. Paizo Publishing, LLC
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T ales are told throughout Golarion of shadowy
f igures that lurk in dark corners—stories recounted
at children’s bedsides feature bestial creatures
that come out only when the moon is right, and f ireside
legends speak of otherworldly beings beyond reckoning,
whose very existence is more than the human mind can
bear to know. These are the legends that explain where
the blood of the family cow went, and why clerics spend
so much time ensuring the proper Pharasmin rites are
observed at gravesites throughout the Inner Sea. One
can write them off as simple, scary stories in Absalom or
Westcrown, but in Ustalav, everyone knows the truth of
the things that go bump in the night.
In the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, the horrors of
the night become undeniably real as the PCs undertake
a journey that will decide the future of a nation. This
guide will aid players in preparing for this campaign
by providing background on the nation of Ustalav,
from its traumatic history to its superstitious citizens,
who struggle to eke out a living while holding back
the darkness. Within, players will f ind suggestions for
creating characters of all races and classes in the context
of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. Also included are
a variety of unique campaign traits to consider when
crafting PCs’ backstories. Finally, an optional hero point
system involving the traditional Varisian divination tool
known as the harrow deck is introduced.
a ddi t iOnal r e adi ng fOr
P l ay e r s
Players interested in further immersing themselves in the
world of Golarion and adding campaign-specific details
relevant to the Carrion Crown Adventure Path to their
PCs’ background may wish to investigate the following
Pathfinder Player Companions.
Adventurer’s Armory : Filled with new and exotic
equipment and options for all manner of weapon users;
players seeking to better or more appropriately arm
themselves for their adventures should look herein.
Inner Sea Primer : Although not specifically about
Ustalav, this crash course on the continents of Avistan
and Garund provides regional traits and background
suggestions for PCs from over 40 nations, any of which
make a great home for characters beginning the Carrion
Crown Adventure Path.
In addition to these sourcebooks, the Pathfinder
Tales novel Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross takes place
in Ustalav and provides a gripping, spoiler-free preview
of the sort of adventures characters may face over the
course of the campaign.
These books and yet more Pathfinder resources are
available at your local book or hobby store or online
at .
U s t a l av O verview
The Immortal Principality of Ustalav lies on the northern
shore of Lake Encarthan, a grim bastion of civilization
amid the barbarian north, where a harsh landscape and a
history rich in tragedies inspire a wary population with
skepticism, religious devotion, and superstition. A
conglomeration of loosely aff iliated counties, each run by
feuding nobles vying for power and inf luence, Ustalav is
a pitiful shell of its former glory, before it was subjugated
to centuries of slavery at the hands of the Whispering
Tyrant’s undead armies. While the nation’s upper classes
struggle to compete with the very nations that abandoned
them to fend for themselves after the Whispering Tyrant’s
defeat, the average Ustalavic citizen has it much worse.
Hundreds of years of subjugation and the residual
horrors that plague the countryside have left the people
of Ustalav suspicious of magic, religion, foreigners, and
their fellow citizens. Beyond their eccentric and insular
qualities, Ustalavs often have a dour worldview. They
resign themselves to lives of suffering, seeing nothing in
their people’s history to suggest there is any hope for a
better life. Despite the physical and psychological strains
upon its populace, Ustalav nevertheless fosters extremely
hardy and tenacious stock: men and women who f irmly
believe that no matter how bad it gets, history shows it
could always be worse.
Although Ustalav has little to offer its rural peasants,
inhabitants of its many metropolitan cities fare somewhat
better, and the centers of learning and culture they
provide draw trade and travelers from throughout the
Inner Sea region. The capital, Caliphas, stands on the
banks of Lake Encarthan, and its fog-shrouded streets
host some of the nation’s most esteemed centers of trade
and academia. In the north, the city of Karcau boasts a
thriving culture of music, theater, and other f ine arts,
and its opulent architecture rivals the excess of even
the most exotic Taldan palace. Meanwhile, Ustalav’s
northwestern counties have broken from aristocratic
rule and formed their own local, democratic government
without nobles, calling themselves the Palatinates and
providing a glimmer of hope for the downtrodden people
of provincial Ustalav.
It is here, in the Immortal Principality, that the
Carrion Crown Adventure Path takes place, and as you
travel through the various counties, your character will
rise from a simple pallbearer to the potential savior of the
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nation. As internally varied as a nation can be, Ustalav is
your new home, and the possibilities for fame, fortune,
and inf luence are as thick as the fog that creeps across
the windy moors at night.
humans into Caliphas’s port, and from there into the heart
of Ustalav. Trade aside, the rich and dark history of Ustalav
is lure enough for the adventurous and curious among all
the civilized races of the Inner Sea. Furthermore, Professor
Lorrimor was more open-minded than many of his fellow
countrymen, and counted members of all races among his
friends and colleagues.
c arriOn c r O w n c haracters
While the Carrion Crown Adventure Path takes place
exclusively in the haunted nation of Ustalav, the campaign
does not require (or even assume) that the PCs be natives
of that land. Each PC is summoned at the start of the
adventure to the town of Ravengro in the rural county
of Canterwall from elsewhere in Ustalav or the Inner Sea
region. Thus, PCs of any nationality or concept can work
within the constraints of the Adventure Path. No matter
what your PC’s background is, adventure and intrigue
await when you arrive in Ravengro for the funeral of
the recently deceased Professor Petros Lorrimor, famed
scholar, explorer, and teacher.
The Carrion Crown Player’s Guide is intended to provide
characters with a connection to Professor Lorrimor—one
close enough to justify his naming each PC in his will—
whether they are native to another part of Ustalav, or
from a distant part of the Inner Sea where they met him
by chance in his many travels. The following character
suggestions provide both basic information on potential
PC origins within Ustalav and reasons for visiting it, and
possible connections a character of any class may have to
the late professor. Use this guide as a starting point to give
your PC a reason to be summoned to the fateful funeral
that launches the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
The following pages outline qualities of typical members
of all seven core races, and all 18 base classes found in the
Core Rulebook , Advanced Player’s Guide , and Ultimate Magic ,
allowing you to create any combination thereof within
the framework of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
Characters of all alignments, religions, and homelands
can play a vital role in this campaign, and the following
suggestions should serve to spark a concept or background
for your PC. You’ll also f ind several new traits specif ic
to the Carrion Crown Adventure Path to help you better
customize your character and link her to the campaign’s
setting and plot.
d warves
Dwarves are less than common in Ustalav, yet the
proximity of the Five Kings Mountains to the Immortal
Principality means that there is steady trade between
the miners, weaponsmiths, and brewers of the dwarven
stronghold and the large urban ports on Lake Encarthan.
Stout folk native to the land can generally be found in
the mining-rich counties of Barstoi and Versex, where
they often hold inf luential positions in local salt and tin
mines. While many dwarven traders and tradespeople
f ind themselves most accepted in the metropolitan
centers of southern Ustalav, some venture into the more
provincial and sometimes prejudiced counties in the
east to answer the silent call to stand vigil against the
orc hordes of neighboring Belkzen. Though natives of
these regions are generally suspicious of (and sometimes
even outright hateful toward) non-human visitors, those
who take the time to get to know their dwarven neighbors
often come around to their foreign ways, appreciating
them for their hardiness and staunch pragmatism.
e lves
Elves are uncommon in Ustalav, especially outside the
cosmopolitan capital of Caliphas or the nation’s many
centers of learning. Even the oldest living elves are too
young to remember the reign of the Whispering Tyrant,
but elven memories are long and current elders recount
tales of their parents’ generation joining the ranks of
the Shining Crusade to drive Tar-Baphon’s armies from
the banks of Lake Encarthan. As such, many young
elves venture into the Ustalavic countryside, hoping
to uncover long-buried mysteries or even to see the
land where a not-so-distant ancestor perished. Some
elves f ind themselves subject to deep-seated prejudice
from Ustalav’s primarily Varisian inhabitants, who
collectively—if subconsciously—hold a grudge against
the elves who returned to Kyonin once the Whispering
Tyrant was defeated so long ago, abandoning the crippled
natives to fend for themselves—a fate from which the
nation of Ustalav has never fully recovered.
r aces
As with much of the Inner Sea, Ustalav is a nation inhabited
primarily by humans, but that doesn’t exclude members
of other races from participating in the Carrion Crown
Adventure Path. The capital city, Caliphas, is conveniently
located on the banks of Lake Encarthan; trade with the
neighboring nations of Druma, the Five Kings Mountains,
Isger, Kyonin, Molthune, and Nirmathas bring non-
g n O m e s
Ustalav isn’t home to any notable gnome settlements, and
the inhabitants’ general superstition makes them wary
of gnomes living among them. That said, Ustalav is a
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strange place, and gnomes from around the world often
travel there to see its bizarre sights and sometimes even
more bizarre citizens. Particularly charismatic gnomes
have been known to embed themselves with a traveling
caravan of Sczarni, performing an agreed-upon task in
exchange for being led throughout the countryside to see
the inspiring sights and experiences within. Similarly,
some gnomes f ind themselves accompanying altogether
different caravans: traveling circuses. In these cases, their
freakish companions often provide enough inspiration
to stave off the Bleaching, while the gnomes themselves
occasionally exploit their people’s rarity by going on
display for gawking rubes willing to pay to see a “freak”
or “captured fairy.”
r OlePlaying h Or rOr
The Carrion Crown Adventure Path is steeped in the
traditions and tropes of gothic horror, from Bram Stoker’s
Dracula and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein , to more modern
terrors from the minds of H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King.
As a player, you’re likely familiar with many of the themes
and allusions presented throughout the campaign. But
that doesn’t mean your character has to be. There are many
ways to craft a character of any type who can experience
the terror you as a player may be too familiar with to be
affected by. Whether creating a naive or superstitious
innocent who discovers the evil of the outside world or
a bookish researcher who digs into books not meant to
be opened, consider building a character without all the
answers. Discovering the truth can be the most exciting
part of a lengthy campaign such as this, and you may just
find yourself feeling a bit of terror along the way.
h alf -e lves
Half-elf populations are always small throughout the
Inner Sea, and this remains true in Ustalav. Minute
numbers of such half-breeds can be found in Ardis,
Caliphas, and Karcau, though isolated individuals are
scattered throughout the nation. The superstitious and
uneducated population of rural Ustalav frequently see
the pointed ears, inhuman eyes, and fair features of half-
elves and mistake them for changelings, tief lings, or other
more monstrous half-humans. Such folk then make the
offenders’ lives diff icult, sometimes even running them
out of town. Thus, native half-elves are cautious, and often
do their best to disguise their elven traits (see the Integrated
alternate racial trait in the Advanced Player’s Guide .) Half-
elves from other parts of the world are prone to wandering,
however, and many f ind themselves in Ustalav on their
way somewhere else or as a f inal destination, believing the
ancient land may hold some answer they seek.
h alflings
As with elsewhere in the Inner Sea region, half lings
live and work alongside humans, ever in their wide and
ambitious shadows. In Ustalav, half lings are relatively
rarer than in the nations of southern Avistan, such as
Andoran and Cheliax. As with similarly statured gnomes,
half lings may be found traveling the countryside as part
of wandering carnivals or freak shows, on display for their
miniature stature or performing as acrobats or jugglers.
Nobles in the more urban cities of Caliphas, Ardis, and
Karcau may look to the prosperous nations of Cheliax
and Taldor and follow their lead by employing half lings
as servants, ever trying to emulate more extravagant
societies. In the northwestern counties known as the
Palatinates, half lings f leeing from the bonds of slavery
elsewhere in the world see the emancipated citizenry as
an example of the life they wish to live, free from both
bondage and the idealistic crusading of liberty-focused
Andoran, and they live and work side by side with the free
humans of the region’s peasantry.
h alf -O rcs
Half-orcs are an extraordinary sight in Ustalav, and
outside the seedier side of Ustalav’s many urban centers,
half-orcs are most often found along the nation’s
western border. The Whispering Tyrant ruled Ustalav
for nearly a millennium as master of the vast orc hordes
of Belkzen, and even a thousand years after the Shining
Crusade defeated him and drove his armies back into the
wastelands, the residual bloodlines caused by generations
of orc attacks on human settlements still pop up in even
the most prestigious of families. Though Sczarni are
typically capable of defending themselves and wary of
outsiders, some vulnerable caravans have been known
to hire the occasional half-orc guard to ensure that
they have the brawn on hand to counter any unexpected
resistance from the nation’s darker denizens. Despite
this, half-orcs are seen as monsters by most Ustalavs, and
a half-orc in any Ustalavic setting is often the subject of
extreme prejudice.
h Umans
Humans dominate Ustalav’s population, and among them
most are ethnic Varisians whose ancestors also called the
land home. Whether nobles clinging to the few drops of
blood that grant them a claim—albeit a distant one—to
the Ustalavic aristocracy, or stoic peasants struggling to
make ends meet in the unforgiving countryside, heritage
and history are incredibly important to Ustalavs. All
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