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Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 6(1) 2007, 5-16
Magdalena Montowska, Edward Pospiech
Agricultural University of Pozna ı
Abstract. Electrophoretic methods can be used to identify meat of various animal species.
The protein electrophoresis, especially the IEF of the sarcoplasmic proteins, is a well-
established technique for species identification of raw fish and is used in the control of
seafood authenticity. However, in the case of the analysis of heat-processed fish, the
method is applicable only to those species which possess characteristic patterns of the
heat-stable parvalbumins. Heat-denatured fish muscle proteins may be solubilised by urea
or sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and separated by urea-IEF or SDS-PAGE, respectively.
The comparison of these two methods allowed to conclude that, basically, each of them
can be used for species identification of heated fishery products. However, extensively
washed products may be preferentially analysed by the SDS-PAGE, because most of the
parvalbumins are washed out leaving mainly myosins. On the other hand, the IEF method
may be preferred for the differentiation of closely related species rich in parvalbumins
isoforms. It is evident from the literature data that species-specific protein separations
yield proteins of low molecular weight made up of three light chains of myosin (14-23
kDa), troponin (19-30 kDa) and parvalbumin (about 12 kDa). Investigations showed that
the SDS-PAGE method can be used to identify meats of: cattle, sheep, lambs, goats, red
deer and rabbits. The technique allowed researchers to identify the following myofibrillar
and sarcoplasmic muscle proteins: myosin and actin, ŋ -actinin, tropomyosin, troponin.
SDS-PAGE allowed the identification of myofibrillar proteins taking into account their
molecular weights which was not possible with the assistance of the PAGIF because too
many protein bands were obtained. It was possible to obtain differences in the separation
of proteins characteristic for certain species, e.g. beef, resulting from the presence of sin-
gle myofibrillar proteins.
Key words: IEF, SDS-PAGE, species identification
In recent years, species identification of meat has been gaining in practical impor-
tance. This has been caused, on the one hand, by a lack of confidence of consumers
Corresponding author – Adres do korespondencji: Mgr Magdalena Montowska, Institute of Meat
Technology of Agricultural University of Pozna ı , Wojska Polskiego 31, 60-624 Pozna ı , Poland,
e-mail: magmont@au.poznan.pl
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M. Montowska, E. Pospiech
regarding the origin of marketed products and, on the other hand, by the concern of
producers to ensure the safety of the consumers’ products. Unfortunately, without an
effective system of control of food articles available on the market, consumers cannot
be certain of their appropriate quality as well as the absence of the harmful effect of
these articles on the human organism. The need for meat species identification derives
from the lack of confidence regarding the statement of the manufacturer concerning the
meat species used in a given product, occurrence of allergies to the protein of certain
animal species as well as some religious considerations (Hindus do not eat beef, follow-
ers of Islam and Judaism – pork) as well as the prohibition of trading of meat derived
from animal species under protection or threatened with extinction.
It is necessary to control meat products which were subjected during their manufac-
ture to various technological processes causing significant property changes of the ap-
plied tissues and raw materials. It is not uncommon to add to such products various
plant raw materials which may, additionally, contribute to difficulties in the process of
their identification. It may also be necessary to determine the percentage composition of
an article manufactured using different meat species.
The optimal identification method should allow the identification of meat species,
both in raw materials and in processed meat products containing animal - and plant
derived components. It is also important that the applied method should make it possi-
ble to identify meat species in products subjected to thermal processes. Furthermore, the
employed method should be sensitive and simple.
Methods applied currently for the identification of muscle tissues of unidentified
species are frequently based on different indices and, therefore, the results obtained with
the assistance of these methods cannot be compared in practice. The essence of these
methods is to show the presence of typical constituents or their proportions characteris-
tic for the muscle tissue of a given species.
The following methods can be employed to determine the species of meat, its com-
position and origin:
– electrophoretical,
– immunological,
– chromatographic,
– genetic.
The presented article discusses examples of the species identification of products of
animal origin with the assistance of electrophoretic methods.
The electrophoretic methods are based on the separation of proteins in the electric
field following their extraction from the muscle tissue and later placed on special media.
Initially, starch gels were employed and later polyacrylamide and agarose ones. At the
present time, the electrophoretic separation can be conducted on polyacrylamide gels
(PAGE), on polyacrylamide gels containing a denaturing agent (sodium dodecyl sulfate)
(SDS-PAGE) or by isoelectric focusing (IEF) on the agar or polyacrylamide gel
The IEF method consists in the separation on a gel which is characterised by the pH
gradient resulting from the addition of ampholyte. Individual proteins move towards the
Acta Sci. Pol.
Species identification of meat by electrophoretic methods
pH value which is in agreement with their isoelectric point (Ip). The PAGE electropho-
resis is also referred to as native electrophoresis due to the absence of a denaturing
agent. In this method, the protein separation depends on the electrical charge and sizes
of protein molecules. Individual proteins move towards the anode or cathode depending
on their charge. In the case of the SDS-PAGE, protein molecules with a negative charge
imparted onto them by the SDS move only towards anode with the speed depending,
with few exceptions, primarily on their molecular weight. There is a linear correlation
between the distance travelled by the proteins and the value of the decimal logarithm of
their molecular weight which makes it possible to determine the molecular weight of
proteins. With the assistance of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), it is possible to
identify meat of various related species of fish, birds and mammals. The obtained pro-
tein separation is visible with naked eye (in the case of proteins containing colour com-
ponent) or following appropriate staining. In the latter case, the most common dyes
include: Coomasie blue, silver salts or enzymatic staining [Hofmann 1997].
Protein separation with the assistance of the IEF method is influenced by many fac-
tors, among others, by: meat pH and meat defects, age and gender of animals, way of
nutrition, rearing conditions, meat storage conditions, activity of native or microbiologi-
cal proteases as well as the occurrence of polymorphism. It is possible to carry out sepa-
ration focusing on a single constituent, e.g. myoglobin which is a species specific mus-
cle dye independent of the above-mentioned factors and whose chains are relatively
short. Employing myoglobin as an indicator of species, the same separation can be ob-
tained by examining different muscles of the same animal but also by different animals
of the same species. It was demonstrated that in the case of meats of such animal spe-
cies as: cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, roe deer, kangaroos, camels, brown bears, rabbits,
hares, chickens, ducks and ostriches the set of myoglobin bands is characteristic and
they can be identified on the basis of myoglobin patterns [Hofmann 1997]. In the case
of closely related animals, e.g. pig and wild boar, roe deer and fallow deer, the myoglo-
bin patterns are so similar that they rule out possibilities of their identification. The IEF
technique can be employed for the identification of related animals with low myoglobin
content, for example, a chicken and turkey, using pseudo-peroxidase staining with the
aid of a mixture composed of odianizidine and hydrogen peroxide. Some to several
minutes after the treatment, red-brown bands appear on the gel. The IEF method based
on the myoglobin analysis is also effective in the situation of mixtures composed of
different species. Effective electrophoretic separation is possible when fresh meat, mus-
cle fluid as well as lyophilised muscle extracts derived from animals of the same species
are used. The band distribution is always identical and the conditions of storage, freez-
ing and de-frosting do not influence the results [Hofmann 1997].
When the IEF method is used for the species identification of meats subjected to
thermal treatment, the obtained results are influenced by the height of the temperature
during the technological process. Although high temperature does not affect the reloca-
tion of the isoelectric points, the bands are not sharp and this may make the assessment
more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct the analysis on one gel onto
which the examined samples as well as the reference sample should be placed. In the
Technologia Alimentaria 6(1) 2007
M. Montowska, E. Pospiech
case when the tissue was heated to less than 100°C, pseudo-peroxidase staining is suffi-
cient. However, when the applied temperature exceeded 100°C, one of the possibilities
is staining with silver compounds. Staining with silver compounds turned out effective
in the case of the identification of: cattle, swine, sheep, horse and roe deer semi-
processed and processed meats as well as in the case of processed articles consisting of
muscle tissues derived from different animal species, provided the proportion of a given
tissue is sufficient, e.g. pork and beef can be identified in mixtures subjected to thermal
treatment if their proportions exceed 10% [Hofmann 1997].
PAGE electrophoresis can be used for the protein identification of meats derived
from: pigs, cattle, horses, sheep, fish, reindeer, moose, goats and bears. The method can
be employed for the identification of meats of related animal species, including wild
animals, provided that the examined material was not subjected to thermal treatments.
The identification of meat additives of different animal species in processed products
heated to the temperature of 70°C is possible on condition that the examined proteins
are dissolved in a 6 M solution of guanidine chloride and employment of isoelectric
focusing followed by enzymatic staining [Pyz-Łukasik 1998].
The SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)
method makes it possible to analyse proteins which dissolve poorly in solvents other
than SDS solutions. This method can be applied to analyse proteins which do not dis-
solve in urea-containing solutions. The method can be utilized for protein quality analy-
ses, for example, proteins of various species of fish or for the quantitative analysis
which takes into account different degrees of binding of the applied dye by individual
proteins. This method is not very convenient because the obtained results can be influ-
enced by many factors, among others, by: age, way of animal nutrition, stress, meat
quality deviations as well as the lack of standards since the lyophilized meat extract
which might be used as the reference can yield different results than the extract from
fresh meat [Minkiewicz et al. 2004].
Identification techniques of meats derived from different animal species are based
on the examination of muscle extracts. The employed techniques use either muscle drip
or squeezed juice which contain most of the soluble meat proteins and even some struc-
tural proteins released into them either as a result of the applied technological processes
or factors affecting the animals during the short period before slaughter. Among the
electrophoretic methods, the most suitable for the comparison of proteins from different
animal species are: PAGE, SDS-PAGE and PAGIF [Parisi and Aguiari 1985].
Investigations carried out by Parisi and Aguiari [1985] showed that the SDS-PAGE
method can be used to identify meats of: cattle, sheep, lambs, goats, red deer and rab-
bits. The technique allowed researchers to identify the following myofibrillar and sar-
coplasmic muscle proteins: myosin and actin, ŋ -actinin, tropomyosin and troponin.
Acta Sci. Pol.
Species identification of meat by electrophoretic methods
SDS-PAGE allowed the identification of myofibrillar proteins taking into account their
molecular weights which was not possible with the assistance of the PAGIF because too
many protein bands were obtained. It was possible to obtain differences in the separa-
tion of proteins characteristic for certain species, e.g. beef, resulting from the presence
of single myofibrillar proteins.
Hofmann [1985] obtained somewhat different results using the SDS-PAGE method.
The aim of his experiments, in which muscles and their water extracts were used, was to
identify and compare several muscles derived from cattle, pigs and horses. Separations
of the muscle proteins of these three animal species showed identical bands. Distinct
differences were observed in the intensity of the stained bands. These differences were
also observed between the protein separations of different muscles derived from the
same species. A considerable variability in the intensity of the myoglobin bands derived
from different muscles of the same species confirmed their wide diversification with
regard to the myoglobin content. On the basis of his experiments Hofmann [1985] con-
cluded that the SDS-PAGE method cannot be employed for the species identification of
muscles derived from cattle, pigs and horses. However, simultaneously, he conducted a
number of studies with the aim to check possibilities of the identification of different
animal species, i.e. cattle, pigs, horses, red deer, roe deer, fallow deer and wild boar
using the isoelectric focusing on the polyacrylamide gel (PAGIF). Protein bands in the
swine and wild boar separations were situated almost at the same positions but differed
with regard to their intensity. No apparent differences were found between separations
of the roe deer and fallow deer, while those of the red deer and roe deer differed with
regard to the intensity of bands which were less intensively dyed in the upper range of
the separation. Bearing in mind the results of the above experiments, it is not at all cer-
tain if the IFE is capable of differentiating closely related species. It was further found
that different muscles derived from the same species can yield different separations. In
experiments conducted on other species which were not closely related (rabbit, duck,
chicken), the obtained separations were more diversified and there were no problems
with their species identification [Hofmann 1985].
In further investigations, the IEF of soluble proteins of: cattle, pigs, wild boar, horse,
roe deer, fallow deer, rabbit and chicken was employed for the species identification on
the basis of the determination and comparison of the bands of myoglobin which is a
species specific muscle dye and whose chains are relatively small with regard to their
molecular weight. The separations of myoglobin bands can be observed without gel
staining. In order to achieve greater diversity in the distribution of myoglobin bands, an
ampholyte with a narrow pH 5-9 was applied. Moreover, attempts were made to achieve
better separations by the application of higher protein concentrations using squeezed
juice instead of the muscle extract and employing 1 mm thick gels. The determined
species yielded characteristic separations of two or more bands of myoglobin. Different
muscles gave identical separations. Wild boar separations were poorly visible because
the employed extracts derived from frozen meat stored for three years. The remaining
samples were either fresh or frozen for a short period of time. The obtained myoglobin
separations were distinctly characteristic for the determined species [Hofmann 1985].
Technologia Alimentaria 6(1) 2007
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