Apress Pro HTML5 Programming 2nd (2011).pdf

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
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For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front
matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks
and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
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Contents at a Glance
Foreword............................................................................................................... xv
About the Authors................................................................................................ xvi
About the Technical Reviewer............................................................................ xvii
Acknowledgments............................................................................................. xviii
Introduction......................................................................................................... xix
Chapter 1: Overview of HTML5................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2: Using the Canvas API.......................................................................... 23
Chapter 3: Working with Scalable Vector Graphics.............................................. 63
Chapter 4: Working with Audio and Video............................................................ 83
Chapter 5: Using the Geolocation API................................................................. 107
Chapter 6: Using the Communication APIs......................................................... 135
Chapter 7: Using the WebSocket API.................................................................. 159
Chapter 8: Using the Forms API.......................................................................... 193
Chapter 9: Working with Drag-and-Drop............................................................ 217
Chapter 10: Using the Web Workers API............................................................. 241
Chapter 11: Using the Storage APIs.................................................................... 263
Chapter 12: Creating Offline Web Applications.................................................. 295
Chapter 13: The Future of HTML5....................................................................... 313
Index................................................................................................................... 323
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C H A P T E R 1
Overview of HTML5
This book is about HTML5 Programming. Before you can understand HTML5 programming, however,
you need to take a step back and understand what HTML5 is, a bit of the history behind it, and the
differences between HTML 4 and HTML5.
In this chapter, we get right to the practical questions to which everyone wants answers. Why
HTML5, and why all the excitement just now? What are the new design principles that make HTML5
truly revolutionary—but also highly accommodating? What are the implications of a plugin-free
paradigm; what’s in and what’s out? What’s new in HTML, and how does this kick off a whole new era for
web developers? Let’s get to it.
The Story So Far—The History of HTML5
HTML goes back a long way. It was first published as an Internet draft in 1993. The ’90s saw an
enormous amount of activity around HTML, with version 2.0, versions 3.2, and 4.0 (in the same year!),
and finally, in 1999, version 4.01. In the course of its development, the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) assumed control of the specification.
After the rapid delivery of these four versions though, HTML was widely considered a dead-end; the
focus of web standards shifted to XML and XHTML, and HTML was put on the back burner. In the
meantime, HTML refused to die, and the majority of content on the web continued to be served as
HTML. To enable new web applications and address HTML’s shortcomings, new features and
specifications were needed for HTML.
Wanting to take the web platform to a new level, a small group of people started the Web Hypertext
Application Working Group (WHATWG) in 2004. They created the HTML5 specification. They also began
working on new features specifically geared to web applications—the area they felt was most lacking. It
was around this time that the term Web 2.0 was coined. And it really was like a second new web, as static
web sites gave way to more dynamic and social sites that required more features—a lot more features.
The W3C became involved with HTML again in 2006 and published the first working draft for
HTML5 in 2008, and the XHTML 2 working group stopped in 2009. Another two years passed, and that is
where we stand today. Because HTML5 solves very practical problems (as you will see later), browser
vendors are feverishly implementing its new features, even though the specification has not been
completely locked down. Experimentation by the browsers feeds back into and improves the
specification. HTML5 is rapidly evolving to address real and practical improvements to the web
Brian says: “Hi, I’m Brian, and I’m an HTML curmudgeon.
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I authored my first home page back in 1995. At the time, a ‘home page’ was something you created to talk
about yourself. It usually consisted of badly scanned pictures, <blink> tags, information about where you
lived and what you were reading, and which computer-related project you were currently working on.
Myself and most of my fellow ‘World Wide Web developers’ were attending or employed by universities.
At the time, HTML was primitive and tools were unavailable. Web applications hardly existed, other than a
few primitive text-processing scripts. Pages were coded by hand using your favorite text editor. They were
updated every few weeks or months, if ever.
We’ve come a long way in fifteen years.
Today, it isn’t uncommon for users to update their online profiles many times a day. This type of
interaction wouldn’t have been possible if not for the steady, lurching advances in online tools that built on
each previous generation.
Keep this in mind as you read this book. The examples we show here may seem simplistic at times, but
the potential is limitless. Those of us who first used <img> tags in the mid-1990s probably had no idea that
within ten years, many people would be storing and editing their photos online, but we should have
predicted it.
We hope the examples we present in this book will inspire you beyond the basics and to create the new
foundation of the Web for the next decade.”
The Myth of 2022 and Why It Doesn’t Matter
The HTML5 specification that we see today has been published as a working draft—it is not yet final. So
when does it get cast in stone? Here are the key dates that you need to know. The first is 2012, which is
the target date for the candidate recommendation . The second date is 2022, which is the proposed
recommendation . Wait! Not so fast! Don’t close this book to set it aside for ten years before you consider
what these two dates actually mean.
The first and nearest date is arguably the most important one, because once we reach that stage,
HTML5 will be complete. That’s just around the corner. The significance of the proposed
recommendation (which we can all agree is a bit distant) is that there will then be two interoperable
implementations. In other words, two browsers equipped with completely interoperable
implementations of the entire specifications—a lofty goal that actually makes the 2022 deadline seem
ambitious. After all, we haven’t even achieved that in HTML4 and only recently for CSS2!
What is important, right now, is that browser vendors are actively adding support for many very cool
new features, and some of those are already in the Final Call for comments phase. Depending on your
audience, you can start using many of these features today. Sure, any number of minor changes will
need to be made down the road, but that’s a small price to pay for enjoying the benefits of living on the
cutting edge. Of course, if your audience uses Internet Explorer 6.0, many of the new features won’t work
and will require emulation—but that’s still not a good reason to dismiss HTML5. After all, those users,
too, will eventually be jumping to a later version. Many of them will probably move to Internet Explorer
9.0 right away, and that version of IE supports many more HTML5 features. In practice, the combination
of new browsers and improving emulation techniques means you can use many HTML5 features today
or in the very near future.
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