cwiczeniA PS.rtf

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Polecenie: Complete the questions with do, does or -.

1.1. ................  you come here every weekend?

2.2. Where.....................   your parents live?

3.3. What ....................  your wife do for a living?

4.4. Who  ..................... lives in this house?

5.5.  .................. Tom and Jerry live together?

6.6.  ....................... it rain a lot here?

7.7. Who............................   your sister live with?

8.8. How many people.............................   work in this company?

9.9.  .............................. you and your brother go to the same school?

10.10.  ...................... Paolo speak English?


Polecenie: Complete the sentences using Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1.I..............................  tea every morning.

2.She................................  basketball now.

3.The cat .......................... from a dog at the moment.

4.Excuse me,........................  English? I need some help.

5.Where ...................... from? France?

6.Where's Tom? He ...................... a shower.


8.Martin ................................. books very often.



1.              Suzi chodzi do szkoły


Suzi.........  to school.


2.              Marek codziennie słucha wiadomości w radio.



Mark .................... to News Flash on the radio every day


3.              Czy ty lubisz truskawki?


........................... strawberries?


4.              Steven wstaje zazwyczaj o 8 rano


Steven usually..............  up at 8 .


Ona chodzi do szkoły codziennie.


She.............  to school every day.             


Uczymy się angielskiego w soboty.


We................  English on Saturdays.



Wstaw podane czasowniki w czasie Present Simple.


1. (drink) I.........  much tea.


2. (know) He left yesterday. Nobody.....................  why.


3. (listen) They ........................ to music together.


4. (play) Henry............................  the piano better than Fred.


5. (visit) We often........................  Mrs Grant.


6. (realise) Barbara does not....................  the danger.


7. (begin) She ................. her job on Monday.


8. (eat) He always .................... at Gianni's.


9. (do) What does..................... a barrister ?


10. (sing) Do they often..............  in the streets?             


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