FMF - U2 - Beautiful day (Just for a Day by Funky-kun).txt

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    *    Member:  Funky-kun
    * Studio: Fastass MaaFackaz
    * Title: Just for a Day
    * Premiered: 2008-05-31
    * Categories:
          o Sentimental
          o Serious
    * Song:
          o U2 Beautiful Day
    * Anime:
          o 5 Centimeters per Second
          o Air
          o Ashita no Kimi to Au Tame ni (~Till I Reach Your Tomorrow~) (Game)
          o Black Cat (TV)
          o Bleach
          o Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two (Game)
          o Ef - The Latter Tale (Game)
          o Erementar Gerad
          o Eureka Seven
          o Fate/stay night (TV)
          o Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
          o Fullmetal Alchemist (TV)
          o Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
          o Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The (Movie)
          o Gunslinger Girl
          o Inu Yasha (TV)
          o Kanon (TV - 2006)
          o Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
          o Lunar Legend Tsukihime (Shingetsutan Tsukihime)
          o Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV)
          o Murder Princess (OAV)
          o My HiME
          o Naruto
          o Naruto: Shippuuden the Movie
          o Neon Genesis Evangelion
          o Open Your Mind (Movie)
          o Origin ~Spirits of the Past~ (movie)
          o Place Promised in Our Early Days, The (Beyond the Clouds)
          o Please Twins! (TV)
          o Shinigami no Ballad: momo the girl god of death (TV)
          o Trinity Blood
          o Wind: A breath of heart (TV)
          o Zero no Tsukaima
    * Participation:
          o Anime Mid Atlantic 2008, Anime Mid Atlantic\'s AMV Contest 2008 (2008-06-13)
          o Japan Expo 9e`me Impact, Japan Expo International AMV Contest 2008 (2008-07-06)
          o Kumoricon 2008 AMV Contest, Kumoricon 2008 AMV Contest (2008-09-01)
          o Nan Desu Kan, NDK Anime Music Video Contest (2008-09-12)
    * Comments:
      Best Drama @ Bunkasai 2008 AMV Contest
      Best Drama @ Anime Mid Atlantic 2008 AMV Contest
      15 out of 207 @ Japan Expo 2008 AMV Contest
      Best Professional @ Metrocon 2008 AMV Contest
      Best Romance/Sentimental @ Anime Evolution 2008 AMV Contest

      Some QCs

      # 2008-06-05 01:16:32it is art 5/5 ~Lok1990~
      # 2008-06-06 09:29:26beautiful idea,beautifully executed - I always wanted a good amv for this song and I'm glad you offered me one - 5/5 Full Metal Sempai
      # 2008-06-06 21:55:16Really beautiful vid, good work. -Sierra Lorna
      # 2008-07-09 17:10:15Your best vid so far :) 5/5 --AceMan
      # 2008-06-24 12:23:06im still crying....thanks!
      # 2008-08-02 23:37:09Filled with emotion. Truely Beautiful work of Art.
      # 2008-08-14 05:03:09Wow, it has been a while since I have been moved by an AMV, words cannot express how happy i am now!
      # 2009-01-11 03:41:06I haven't cried like that since the doctors told me my wife would be alright after her car accident. It was seriously touching in a positive way.

      The Idea, Song Choice

      The concept of the video is exclusively based on the great song. I wanted to edit a video on this song for a long time, so around November 2007 I began preparations for the video. Until February 2008 all I was doing was collecting footage. I got all the anime on DVDs from all my friends and Crafty Shadow sent me some great footage from game openings. When I approached the critical mass of footage I started converting it in lossless (only the scenes I needed, because I didn't have the 320gb portable HDD I have now xD). Sadly, nearly 75% of the scenes I converted didn't get used in the video, because there wasn't enough time to show all the scenes.

      Editing and Effects

      The plan for this video was to flow with the song, without having any storyline. Beautiful Day is one of these songs, which have a great emotional impact on me and can change my mood whenever I listen to it. Although the song is overall happy and relaxing, it has some extremely strong moments when emotions overwhelm me every time I listen to it. I wanted the video to reflect these feelings. The scene selection is based on the lyrics and the video changes flow as the song does. Most of the time spent on the video was due to editing and scene selection. The effects in this video tend to be "invisible" - no eye candy, just filters and color corrections, blurs, camera motions and montages. There really isn't anything more to say for the video, just watch it and let the feelings embrace you. :) And remember, enjoy life, even if just for a day. ;)

      Note: First time usage of "Till I Reach your Tomorrow" and second time usage of "EF - The Latter Tale" as source on the org, w00t. The first video using "EF - The Latter Tale" is The Gift by jasper-isis, go check it out, it's great! ;)

      Software used

      Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0
      Adobe AfterEffects 7.0
      Virtual Dub Mod


      The heart is a bloom
      Shoots up through the stony ground
      There's no room
      No space to rent in this town

      You're out of luck
      And the reason that you had to care
      The traffic is stuck
      And you're not moving anywhere

      You thought you'd found a friend
      To take you out of this place
      Someone you could lend a hand
      In return for grace

      It's a beautiful day
      Sky falls, you feel like
      It's a beautiful day
      Don't let it get away

      You're on the road
      But you've got no destination
      You're in the mud
      In the maze of her imagination

      You love this town
      Even if that doesn't ring true
      You've been all over
      And it's been all over you

      It's a beautiful day
      Don't let it get away
      It's a beautiful day

      Touch me
      Take me to that other place
      Teach me
      I know I'm not a hopeless case

      See the world in green and blue
      See China right in front of you
      See the canyons broken by cloud
      See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
      See the Bedouin fires at night
      See the oil fields at first light
      And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
      After the flood all the colors came out

      It was a beautiful day
      Don't let it get away
      Beautiful day

      Touch me
      Take me to that other place
      Reach me
      I know I'm not a hopeless case

      What you don't have you don't need it now
      What you don't know you can feel it somehow
      What you don't have you don't need it now
      Don't need it now
      Was a beautiful day

      Special Thanks to

      Crafty Shadow, for the great amount of beta testing and for giving me awesome sources for the video.

      Arianda, Anateq, z1p0, theDarkSite and everyone else who supported me. ^^

      LOCAL: 640x360@24 fps, x264 ~2500kbps 3pass, nd aac 256kbps 44,1k in mp4 container
      indirect: 640x360@24 fps, XviD ~2800kbps 2pass, lame mp3 320kbps 44,1k in avi container 
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