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Touareg Air Suspension Adjustment
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Touareg Air Suspension Adjustment
Please be sure to use the latest version of the VAG-COM software. This procedure is
written for version 404.0 or later.
First as a reference, please read this article: THE 402 MOD: Audi allroad suspension adjustment how-to
1) park on level ground - concrete garage floor is good.
2) Now connect VAG-COM to car with car running
3) Set the car on Auto level and take measurements from wheel center to fender lip per this drawing:
Chart them as:
Right Front
Left Front
Right Rear
Left Rear
Before 497 mm - 19 5/8"
497 mm - 19 5/8"
502 mm - 19 3/4"
502 mm - 19 3/4"
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
4) Enter module 34 - level ctrl.
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Touareg Air Suspension Adjustment
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5) Function 16 - security access
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6) enter 31564 into the box and click DO IT.
7) now go to Adaptation - 10
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8) advance to ch 1 using the UP box - The car's air suspension will lower itself and then raise itself into
auto position. Allow the car to do this cycle before entering data. You will get a running gear fault at
this point. This isn't a problem and will clear when you have completed the process. Remember: To
lower you want to go up in value. To raise the car, you want to go down in value. The reference
value for the front is 497 mm and the rear is 502 mm. So if you want to lower the car by 1", you will
ADD 25 mm to those numbers to get the new numbers: 522 mm and 527 mm.
Touareg Air Suspension Adjustment
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9) In the NEW VALUE box for CH 1, enter the new number you want.
The click the TEST box.
Then click the SAVE box.
Then click YES in the confirmation box that pops up.
At this point, the stored value should be your new number.
In some cases, the controller doesn't accept the value the first time you try it. So do it again if it didn't
accept the number; enter the new number you want. The click the TEST box. Then click the SAVE box.
Then click the confirmation box that pops up. Now the stored value should be the new number.
Now follow this procedure for each of the next three channels: CH2, CH3 and CH4.
At channel number 5, you must raise the NEW VALUE from 0 to 1. This confirms all the previous
channel 1 through 4 changes. If you do not do channel 5 you will either get an error message if you try
to close or no changes will take place.
CH 5 - New value
change from 0 to 1
then click save
Then click YES on the confirmation box that pops up
10) In about 10 to 15 seconds the green text at the top of the adaptation box will turn red with an error
message. This is normal. Click DONE, GO BACK. At this point you should see the car lower or raise to
its new height. Exit the controller and you are done.
11) Now measure the car's height. It should be lower/higher per the difference you desired.
Disclaimer: I assume no liability or responsibility for any damages or loss that may arise either directly
or indirectly as a result of the application of the information provided herein. Please read instructions
fully before attempting this modification. Serious harm or injury may come to you or your vehicle by
performing these modifications. This mod will seriously alter the handling characteristics of your
vehicle. Perform this modification AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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