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			EM87 V1.1	9/02/89

	This program fully emulates the 8087 math coprocessor on 80286 
and 80386 based computers. This is useful to run software that requires
the 8087/80287/80287. This program does not emulate the 80287/80387
extensions to the 8087 instruction set, but all software I have seen
only uses the 8087 instructions to be PC/XT compatable. Please note that
floating point emulation is MUCH slower than the real thing (but also 
much cheaper!). 
	Version 1.1 fixes problems with programs that access extended memory,
like VDISK.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, SMARTDRV.SYS, AUTOCAD, ect. Also will not load
if a real 80X87 is present.

Tested with:
	AUTOCAD release 9.
	AUTOCAD release 10.
	Microway's 87TEST v1.20 (A very intensive 8087 test program).
	FATMAN30 (A great mandelbrot generator!).
	NORTON UTILITIES 4.5 SI (Reports a 8087 present).

	EM87		>Help screen.
	EM87 /L		>Load the emulator.
	EM87 /U		>Unload the emulator.

	If you intend to use this program after evaluation, please send
me five dollars for registration. Also please tell me of any new uses
you may find for this program. Thanks.

	Ron Kimball
	RR01 Box 15Y
	Brookfield, Ma 01506
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