TR-DOS Quick Reference COMMAND FUNCTION *"a:" set default to drive A *"b:" set default to drive B *"c:" set default to drive C *"d:" set default to drive D 40 inform TRDOS that default drive is 40 track 80 inform TRDOS that default drive is 80 track CAT display the disk directory CAT# print the disk directory CLOSE# closing a serial/random access file COPY copying files from one drive to another COPY s copying files in a single drive system COPY b backup disk in a single drive system ERASE delete a file from the disk LIST display details of disk contents LIST# print details of disk contents LOAD load a program from the disk INPUT# read from serial/random access file MERGE combine BASIC program from disk with one in RAM MOVE reorganise and pack together the files on a disk NEW change the existing name of a file OPEN# opening a stream for a serial/random access file PEEK read a sector of a file from disk to RAM POKE store data in RAM to a sector of a file PRINT# writing a serial/random access file RETURN return to BASIC from TRDOS RUN load and run a program from the disk SAVE save a program to the disk VERIFY verify a program saved on disk RANDOMIZE USR 15616 go to TRDOS from BASIC RANDOMIZE USR 15619 call TRDOS commands from BASIC